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"Your eyes are all puffy!" I laughed as I pointed it out.
Jisung simply laughed and rubbed his eyelids.

"I'm still not over it." His soft smile warmed my heart.

We ordered and Jisung's phone suddenly vibrated, making him taking it out to see who it was.

"I'm sorry I have to take this call." He left and I was curious about who was calling him, his facial expression was weird.

I waited for 10 minutes, but the boy hadn't came back yet, and I was starting to worry.
I checked outside but he was nowhere to be seen. I didn't want to panick so I decided to call him, but even with that, the boy's phone was turned off.



"I can't find him!" I almost shouted, anxiously shaking my leg.

"Minho dear, calm down, I'm sure he will call you back." My mom brought tea for the both of us, I wasn't in the mood to drink it though.
I felt that something was wrong, that I would receive news, and not good ones.

I waited for an hour or two, I had sent him texts but he didn't even receive them.
My thoughts filled up my head, weighting on my shoulders, but I couldn't sleep.
I was tossing around in my bed, imagining the worst scenarios.


My eyes shot open and I grabbed my phone hastily.

"Open the window"

I immediately went to see if he was there, and as soon as I saw his little figure, a long breath escaped from my lips.
I opened the window and showed him the ladder so he could climb to my room, he nodded slightly and went to pick it up.
He then climbed to my bedroom and I helped him pass through the window, I felt like I was in a taylor swift song even if we were a bit too old for this sort of things.

"Jisung." I grabbed him and our bodies collapsed in a one-sided hug, I was holding him tightly but he didn't even move his finger. I parted away so I could see his face.


"Baby, who did this to you?" I brushed through his hair as I was analysing the bruises on the corner of his eyes.

"My uncle." His voice was low and emotionless, just like a robot.
I nodded and took him to the bathroom to put bandages on them, it all felt like deja-vu but this time it was different, now he was someone I needed to protect and cherish.

"Jisung, why did he hit you?" I whispered, not wanting to trigger him.

"My grandmother disowned him, so he took out his anger on me." He explained automatically.

"Hmm, I see, and why did you disappear, why didn't you tell me before going?" I asked questions to somewhat keep him alive, because he looked like he could collapse at any moment.

"I got scared, I didn't want to bring you into my problems, I can't do that Minho." And this was his breaking point, tears started to form in his eyes.
I hugged him once more, his sobs muffled in my chest. I couldn't stand this situation no more, I was being patient because we would end up marrying anyways, but I had to do something.

"Don't worry baby, your husband will find a solution." I caressed his back and brought him back where my bed was.
I changed him into pajamas and we went to sleep together.


"Hello Chan?"

"Hi mate, everything okay?"

"Hmm more or less, I need something."

"Tell me."

"I need you to find the adress of Anitta Han."

"You can count on me, I'll send it to you in the next few hours."


I hung up and threw my phone on the nightstand.
Jisung was still sleeping peacefully next to me and the sight reminded me of Paris.
Today was our wedding, and it all felt unreal.
I had known that boy for a bit longer than three weeks, and now I was marrying him.

"Good Morning Minh-" my mom opened my door and stopped when she saw the younger sleeping next to me.
Her eyes widened and she was looking at me in a way of asking what was happening.

"I'll explain later." I whispered, not wanting Jisung to wake up since it was still early.
The ceremony started at 7pm so I had time to do what I planned on doing.
I got up, leaving Jisung alone.
I grabbed my coat and shoes and put them on and quickly went out, I had to visit someone before the wedding.
I started my car and drove off to somewhere.


"I'm glad you accepted to receive me." I bowed and she ordered me to sit down on the couch next to hers.

"What brings you here, don't you have something more important to do today?" She frowned, she seemed mad but not mean.

"I am here to discuss about Jisung's situation." I spoke up.

Here eyes suddenly focused on me and I could feel that her attention was on me only.

"What about him? Did something happen?" She started to worry.

"Not at all madam, he's at my house and I'm taking good care of him, but there is actually a reason why he slept there yesterday." I cleared my throat, not wanting to sound cold.
The old woman had a neutral facial expression, I could see that she was wise, it was not only her age but also ther gaze, she certainly held power.

"Go on Lee Minho." She ordered.

"Your son beat him up, because you disowned him. I planned on being patient since I am going to marry Jisung to save him from that household, but this time it was just too much." I took a breath before continuing "he came to me with bruises all over his body and face, and I know he won't do anything about it, but I want us to find an agreement on this situation, because I don't want them to ruin our relationship and his life anymore." I finished my sentence and waited for her response.

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