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"Are you serious?" He laughed and pointed at me.

I was standing next to the matress they brought into our room, it was small and low, and looked so absurd next to the king sized bed.

"Come on this bed is big enough for two!" He pulled me by the arm and dragged me.

"I don't think it's a good idea Jisung..." he stopped and looked at me with eyes fulled of concern.

"Wait, are you uncomfortable sleeping in the same bed as me? I didn't think about it sorry!" He let go of me and went to his previous place.


"Are you sleeping?" I heard him whisper.

"No, why?" I turned around to see him from my small soda bed.

"Can I be honest?" He asked, obviously anxious.

"Please be." I saw him fidgeting his fingers and picking at his nails, he waited a few minutes before admitting :

"You're nice, I'm happy I met you." He quickly turned around.

My heart was beating fast, both from his sentence and the way he looked.
His hair looked so soft and his face so sweet, I was scared what could happen next.


"Yes?-" I suddenly joined him on the large bed and observed him while he stayed frozen from the sudden proximity.

"Can I be honest too?" I asked.

He nodded and I inhaled before sepaking.

"First, I want you to know, this trip is not a burden for me and never was. Second, being here with you is pretty much enjoyable and I love it so far." He hummed along my phrases, to show me that he was listening.

"We met two weeks ago, and it feels like years. I was reluctant about the idea of getting married to a stranger, I was ready to accept what my parents had prepared for me, but I never thought that my future husband would be someone I actually appreciate being with."
I admitted, too deep in my narrative to stop.

"Minho you don't need-" he interrupted.

"Wait, let me finish. I have always been quiet and reserved, even as a kid. I never fell in love, I just knew I liked boys, and even admitting that to myself was hard and slow. I'm not the type to say things to please others, I'm not searching for validation nor fame, I do note care how others perceive me, but with you I want to care, I want you to appreciate me and continue to stay by my side." I closed my eyes and laid on my back.

"When I read shakespear in college I thought to myself : "How can you fell in love after meeting once?" And I used to think it was dumb, but now I get it. I didn't believe in soulmates, but maybe after meeting you I'll give it a try." I turned around and was surprised by what was in front of me.
Jisung had his eyes wide and tears rolling down his nose and landing on the pillow.
His lips were parted and a heavy breathing could be heard.

He blinked a few times and gulped, his cheeks getting more and more red by the second.

"Do you think we're soulmates, do you truely believe it?" He replied.

"I don't believe in soulmates, but you certainly feel like the missing piece of the puzzle I always struggled to put a hand on." I wiped his tears and let my hand rest on his cheek, the warmth of his cheek mixed with mine.
He boldly grabbed me by the waist and rested his face in the crook of my neck, his slow but jerky breathing was brushing my skin.
My hand went from his face to his hair, I caressed him until he actually fell asleep in my arms.

I couldn't believe it, at all. I still had that lingering feeling of the sadness I felt when he cried in front of me, begging me to find a way to cancel the wedding, when he tried to go against his parents just because he didn't want to marry me. All of this felt so far away but at the same time so close, the conception of time couldn't be taken into consideration in this case, because it had nothing to do with it.
I had understood since our gaze met for the first time : Han Jisung was a difficult person, hard to understand and his feelings weren't always clear even for him.
But I wanted to discover the way of entering his heart either way, even if it took me months or years, I just wanted to protect him and give him the love he deserved.

'Selfishness' was what I think it was, but in fact the emotions I felt at the moment were hurting me, but if it was what it took to lead to his happiness then I could supress it, because it was for him.

My thoughts were starting to get blurry, the tiredness quickly took advantage of me and I fell alseep, my hand still in the youngest's hair.


I woke up with the sun shining through the curtains, something was missing.
I looked to my right and noticed that Jisung was no longer in bed, I quickly sat up but slowed down when I heard the water running from the bathroom.
I stretched and passed a hand through my hair, waiting for Jisung to finish his shower so I could use the bathroom.
The noise stopped and the door opened, revealing the same view as yesterday.

He was drying his hair, a towel in his left hand. When our eyes met, his eyes flashed up and down, before a smile decorated his pretty face.

"Slept well?" He asked, coming closer.

"Hmm, you?" I looked at my hands to avoid looking at his body like the day before.

"I had a wonderful night." He sat down next to me, his towel slid down of his knee, more skin was shown, which made me stand up faster than I imagined.

I went to the bathroom and locked the door.

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