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"PLEASE DO SOMETHING!" Han screamed his lungs out, seeing his husband on the floor, unconscious.

The security came and caught the uncle's arms as they called the police, the ceremony had turned into an appalling scene.
Minho's mother was on the floor next to her son's body while his father took his scarf and wrapped it around the cut to make the bleeding stop.
Everyone was in shock and nobody could do anything else apart from waiting for the ambulances.
Jisung held Minho's hand tightly, praying for him to be safe and alive, he kept talking to him, hoping it would help.

"Minho wake up, we have to go home, please, don't leave me." He caressed his cheek, crying silently.
Sirens were heard and quickly 3 men entered the hall and put the older on a stretcher.

"Are you his husband?" One of the worker asked Jisung, he nodded and he told him to go with them.
His heart rate was weakening and the doctors were already pulling out the defibrillators.
They pressed the machines on him and activated them a few times.
Jisung couldn't even speak because of his state.
Once they arrived at the hospital, they quickly brought Minho to the operating room.

Jisung's pov.

I had to let go of him and as soon as I lost his physical contact I fell on the floor, everything seemed fake, and I couldn't get my mind to actually believe what was happening.
Minho's parents joined me a few minutes after, his mom sitting next to me and holding me in her arms.

"It's going to be okay my love, Minho is strong I know it." She caressed my back but it only caused my to cry more.

His dad hugged us both and we stayed like that for a few minutes. Chan ans Seungmin ran to where we were, followed by Hyunjin and Felix.

They sat down and waited, just like us.
Chan was holding his head in his hands.

"Why wasn't I able to protect him?" He whispered, I stood up and hugged him.

"Chan, it's not your fault, don't blame yourself." I cried harder as I held him.

One hour later, a doctor came out.

"How is he?" I asked, almost begging for an answer.

"I'm sorry..." he bowed and sighed.

"What do you mean you're sorry?" I grabbed his arm.

"We tried our best, he's alive, but I doubt he will wake up." He lowered his head as he gave us the news.

I froze, not believing what I just heard. I fell down and Felix caught me.
Minho's mom was crying and everyone was in shock.
Minho exited the room on his stretcher, he seemed lifeless.
I followed the doctors as they put him on a resuscitation room.

"Only one person is allowed." The doctor informed us, preventing us from entering.

I looked at Minho's mom and advised her to go, she refused at first but ended up accepting.
I waited in front of the door, hoping she'd come out telling us he woke up and that he's okay.
Two person joined us as they had heard what had happened, Jeongin and Changbin, his cousins.

"Is he okay?" The youngest of us asked in panick.

"He will be, I know it." Chan answered and Seungmin lowered his head.

"It's bad isn't it?" Changbin sighed and sat down.
I wanted to go near my husband and hold his hand, tell him how important he was for me.

"Jisung?" The woman called me after closing the door behind her.

"You should be next to him, hmm? Maybe he'll wake up if he hears your voice." She had seemingly cried, but was still putting on a smile.
I nodded and entered the room.

He was lying down, his eyes closed and an oxygen mask covering his face, I settled down on the only chair that was there.
I felt like if I touched him I might broke him, it was the first time Minho seemed weak.
I hated myself, because if we hadn't meet in the first place none of this would've happened, I couldn't help but feel guilt.

Two hours later, I was still by his side, now holding his hand, a hope in me that he could wake up. I was slowly falling asleep, my head becoming heavier.
I placed my head on the matress but refused to let go of him, his hand was cold, mine was warm.
I was about to leave to buy a coffee to keep me warm but Minho didn't let me, his hand was actually holding mine. My eyes widened and I looked at him.

"Minho, darling, can you hear me? Please wake up, I miss you." I softly said.
His thumb moved very lightly and I almost cried of happiness.

"Wait for me baby, I'll go tell a doctor!" I left the room and caught the first person I saw.

"I think he's conscious!" I informed the woman and she followed me in the room.
She checked everything and gave me a doubtful look.

"Are you sure?" She asked, hesitatingly.

"I am." I marked my words.

She nodded and told me to get some rest, as if I was crazy.
She then left us both alone again and I cried silently, I probably had started to loose my mind.

They gave me a matress and I slept on the floor but woke up a few hours later because I had heard some noise.
The doctors were around Minho, sighing and doing something I couldn't see.

"What is happening?" I quickly got up and looked at my husband.

"We're sorry, but he didn't make it..." one of the doctor told me.
I fell on the floor, not processing what I heard.
Tears started to form in my eyes as I shook my head.
I approached the dead body of my lover and he was pale and cold, his lips were blue.
I kissed his forehead one last time before they took him.
"Minho, how am I going to live without you?"

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