Project X

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It's Ellie's birthday today and she doesn't know that we are throwing a massive birthday party for her later tonight.

Lucy's job is to help me get all the supplies and guests
Brimmed job is to get Ellie out the house.

Me and Lucy was in the shops and we bought a bunch of alcohol,decorations,presents,food,normal drinks,huge speakers,drinking games,few other games and stuff like that and after we went home and began texting people as we had around 70 people coming so far it would be the best party ever.

Around 3pm we set everything up and got all the drinks and food ready then we told bri to take Ellie to her parents house so she can get ready and we told her to also say we was just gonna have a few drinks in the back garden later so get ready.

Around 6 everyone started showing up and began partying.
I wore a 2 piece white set, it was a short skirt and a small crop top, I wore jewellery and straitened my hair with some Smokey eye makeup.

We was all partying till I heard briannas car pull up.

"SHES HERE EVERYONE HIDE, TURN THE MUSIC AND LIGHTS OFF" I yelled as we hid and turned the music and lights off.

As soon as the door opened we yelled surprise as ellie stood in shock and me n Lucy went and hugged her
"Happy birthday girlll" we said
"Get the party started" Ellie said as she walked into the crowed then the door opened and it was told gf in the same outfit as me? Huh

I wandered around trying to find ellie but nowhere to be seen but instead I found Lucy.

"Lucy" I yelled in her ear as she looked I told her about the dress as she dragged me upstairs.

"Girl what? That is weird do you not think?" She said
"It is a little weird" I said
"We'll go out something on, I have a red dress you can try" she said
"Okay" I said as we went to her room she pulled out the most beautiful red dress ever, it was nice and short, dark red,strapless,and it ducked in and made u curve.

I put it on and Lucy's jaw dropped
"Woah" she said
"Thank you" I said with a smile in my face as we went downstairs.

I seen her and Tom grinding all on each other I mean who even invited Tom and that skank. I know it's harsh but I know she hates my guts but why? I mean I swear I recognised her from somewhere..I think..

I was heavily drinking and then that's where I started going around to different types of boys dancing on them and making out with them, I even tried to strip but bill stopped me.

It was so much fun I mean we was all laughing and having a good time when everyone yelled "SCRAP" I ran in the direction they did I to the back garden and they was right by our pool.

It was toms gf and Brianna.
I went to ellie and Lucy and asked.
"Maxine is trying to fight her" Ellie said
Maxine..? I know that name?
As Maxine grabbed brim as hair and booted her that's when I jumped in.

I pulled Brianna away and I smacked Maxine right in the face.
"What's your problem bitch" I said
"My problem? Your the one who DUMPED MY BROTHER WHO IS LIKE TOTALLY DEPRESSED" she yelled

Jason's sister? No way, I dated him a year ago tho
"Jason's sister?" I said
"Yea" she said looking at me
"Well I can't help that" and for some reason she attacked me and I tried my best to push her off but I ended up pushing her into the pool where she screamed then we heard sirens then someone yelled run and I ran into the woods with some other people.

I ran down by a rock and sat there as I tried contacting my mum but no service as I began to panic someone say next to me as I looked it was Tom
"Hey" he said
"What" I said
"Why you mad?" He said
"Because your girlfriend is a cunt" I said
"Well you are right" he said smiling
I gave him a what do you mean look
"Well I find her annoying I just don't k now how to get rid of her" he said making me laugh
"Your right there" I said
"What did she mean anyway?" He asked as my laughing stopped
"Well a year ago I dated her brother and he treated me like shit so I dumped him and plus he told me
His sister died which made it all worse bc I found out about it all and I never been able to recognise his sister till now but I think she has been stalking me big time" I said
"Woah, I hate Maxine she really annoys me and she would always hit on bill,georg and Gustav right in front of me" Tom said making me giggle then we went silent as I stared into his we was leaning in for a kiss and as soon as our lips touched we heard the cameras and paparazzi as we pulled we with a worried look we ran deeper into the forest laughing.

His lips were so soft and tender and I felt so real in the moment. It started raining as we stopped again

"You look so cute with wet hair" he said
"Oh stop it" I said laughing then he pulled my waist into his body making the warmth warm us as my cheeks went red.

He leant in for another kiss as we made out in the rainy woods getting wet and cold but it felt so romantic.

Our lips moulded into each others as I felt my cheeks becoming flustered

We stopped after a minute to catch our breath as a bit of saliva was on my lip he wiped it off then took his jumper off and came me it.

"Shall we go back?" He asked as I smiled
"Yea" I said as I he kept his hand on my waist keeping me close to him.

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