Dont leave my sight

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Lillys pov

It's been a month in the hospital with high supervision and I kind of got my memory back but I can only really remember little things about everyone but it was a start.

I was getting let home today and I was beyond excited, I didn't have to have the disgusting hospital food anymore and I could finally be free but I'm going to rehab for 30 days instead of therapy but if needed I will be going.

I sat in my hospital room with my bags packed as bill walked in.
"Oh hi" I said
He giggled
"Hey Lils you ready?" He asked as I nodded he helped me take my bags down to the reception as he signed some sort of paper that he discharged me from hospital.

We was in the car and I was in my zone looking at all the trees,clouds,sun,sky and everything I was so happy to final be out.

"Bill is it?" I asked
"Yep" he said
"Is that Tom guy okay? I seen him a few times in the hospital but I can't remember really much about him" I asked but I felt a awkward feeling in the car as bill sighed
"That's my twin and your ex boyfriend, he was in a car crash" he said
"Oh" I just said as I stayed silent

I was at some huge mansion as my mouth opened and eyes widened
"Who's house is this?" I said
"Yours" bill said
"MINE?" I yelled
"Yes Lilly you live with Lucy,ellie and Brianna your band members" bill said
"Wow" I said in a whispering voice

We got to the outside area as I stepped out then came running out 3 beautiful girls hugging me.

I didn't feel like me in my skin, I mean my hair is growing back but not much and I was still incredibly skinny.

They hugged me for a long time before pulling away
"Come on come on let's show you your room" Ellie said as bill dragged in my bags we entered and I had good vibe coming from this house.

I was so happy that I lived here then we came to a huge double door as I opened it I squealed in excitement.

I had a huge bed and it was on some tints stairs going up to it and I had a balcony. My room also had a huge tv with a huge vanity filled with so much makeup and skin care and I had shelves with shoes,bags,sprays etc.
I also had a walk in wardrobe filled with loads of shoes and clothing and a huge mirror with seating.

I had a bathroom with a jet bathtub and a huge shower with a private toilet and a huge mirror.

"This is my room?" I said walking in
"Yes" Ellie said as bill out my suitcases down
"Woah why is it already so filled" I said
"It's all your stuff from Germany we decorated it for you like your old room back in Germany" Lucy said as I turned around and hugged them all even bill.

"Well Lils we will leave you too it" Ellie said as they left I jumped on my bed and smiled.

Life felt good again.

I got up from my bed but on the little stairs bit I tripped and banged my head then a short flash back of people beating my head.

I felt a sinking feeling as I sat there looking at the wall.

-later that night-
I began remembering a few things by looking on Facebook and some polaroids.

I remember
I remember
Everything came flooding back to me, he was a cheater.
I scoffed in disgust as I got up to go downstairs.

The house was dark and quiet as it was 12am.
I walked down to the kitchen and turned the light on to see Tom.
"Lilly" he said looking up at me
"Tom?" I said as he grinned
"In the flesh" he said
"I thought you was in hospital" I asked
"I got let out earlier after you" he said
"Okay why are you here?" I said
"To come take you home" he said
"I am home" I said
"My home" he said
"Tom no your a stupid cheater and I'm leaving for rehab tomorrow" I said
"Perfect I'll tell you the story then" he said using body language for me to sit as I did.

"It all started way back in Germany with Stacy, she didn't like the fact we had a thing going on so she threatened me saying if I don't start kissing her at that club we was at then she would kill you and she's crazy Lilly you don't understand and I guess she did try kill you" Tom said as my eyes softened at him and his glaze to me was something like, I'm his and he's mine.

"Tom I-" I said
"It's not your fault Lils you almost died because of me" Tom said
"What was it like there?" He asked
"All I can remember was getting beaten on the head and body by them and that." I passed
"And what?" Tom said as I began bawling my eyes out as he got up and grabbed me as he hugged me.

"He raped me" I managed to get out and I felt tom tense up
"Who?" He said with a very icy voice
"Tyler" I said
"Don't worry about that cunt he's dead" tom said as I pulled away
"How do you know?" I said
But he didn't say anything but grin
"YOU FUCKING KILLED HIM?" I yelled as he laughed while I felt terrified now. I backed up to the fridge as he came closer.

He held me with one hand and as I was too weak I couldn't break free no matter how hard I tried.
"I killed him" he whispered in my ear, his breath sent shivers down my spine as I was beyond scared
"Are You fucking crazy" I said as he shushed me with his finger

I could now see it, his eyes more scary and mysterious., his face said it all.

This can't be real.

He then grabbed this thing from the side and put it over my face as everything went black.

I woke up on a sofa in a way bigger living area than mine at home.

I sat up as the lights turned on and Tom was sat across from me.

"I knew you wouldn't come with me so I took you" he said as I got up
"YOUR FUCKING MAD" I yelled as he grinned
"Sit down" he said
"NO" I yelled as I jumped over the sofa and ran to the front door as it was locked, I heard him coming to me as I felt a rush of adrenaline run through me as I ran down a hallway, I had no idea where I was going I just ran.

I came to these small stairs as I ran up them I was met to the upstairs now, I must of went through the back way or something.

I ran down the hallway to a door as I opened and shut it panting.

I turned the light on and i was in some room, an empty one.

I sighed as I looked at the window I ran to it and opened it.
Below me was a roof ledge as I had no choice I climbed out the window onto the roof ledges
I could go down this was so I climbed up to the other side as I slid down I had an easy escape. I jumped into a tree and climbed down as I was terrified I ran down this hill that seemed like forever till I got to the gates.

I climbed back on a tree and jumped over the fence.
I was only in my silk pjs as I looked down the road it was dark and only lit by street lamps.

I began running as fast as I could when I noticed a black car racing towards me I was now terrified to the point I yelled for help.
That's not the Tom kaulitz I knew.

He then cornered me off as he got out I began running the other way but I felt a cold big hand grab my wrist as I was pulled back into a hug.

"Don't ever do that again, don't leave my sight" he said.

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