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I was in my room when I heard the front door open and then running as I got a little worried my door flew open and came in was ellie,Lucy and Brianna, I have a confused look as ellie began.
"" she said trying to catch her breath
"What?" I asked
"There was this girl..Stacy I think" she said catching her breath now
"What do you mean?" I asked
"I'll just say it" Lucy said
"Basically there is this girl Stacy and she turned up at the beach and Toms face went from calm to really really mad and he was yelling at bill by the cars when we was walking over" she said
"So? Why would I care?" I asked as ellie done a guilty look as Brianna and Lucy looked down
"What did you do ellie?" I asked
"Okay fine I read your diary" she said
"WHAT? ELLIE WHAT THE FUCK" I yelled getting up from my bed
"IM SORRY" she yelled
"YOUR NOT SORRY THO ARE YOU" I yelled as I pushed past them and went down to the kitchen and got my keys as I drove off.

My phone kept ringing and ringing as they called me numerous times.
I drove to the twins house and I did not care if paparazzi seen me.

"BILL" I yelled as I walked in and there stood a girl with long light brown hair and honey brown eyes.

"He's not here right now sweetie" she said
"Oh um do you know when he's gonna be back?" I asked
"10 minutes or so" she said
"Don't mind me asking but who are you?" I asked as she giggled
"Oh it's fine I'm Stacy" she said as I felt my heart fall
"Nice to meet you..Stacy" I said and I sat down in the living room.

Bill came in 10 minutes later as he looked at me then Stacy and his face went pale.
"Oh hey Lils" he said as he done some sort of body language for me to follow him as I did we went upstairs and we must of went past toms room bc I could hear stuff breaking and music.
"Is that?" I asked as bill nodded and then we got to his room.
His room was so calming and clean, it was dark but it made me feel safe.

I sat down on the end of his bed as he sat next to me.

"So you know?" He asked
"Yea" I said
"She seems nice tho I mean I don't know why everyone thinks I care" I said
Bill looked down at his feet
"Bill?" I said looking up to him
"Well" he said
"She showed you?didn't she..?" I said
"Yea..I'm sorry Lils she seen me in Starbucks and told me because she was worried for you" he said as I felt a guilty feeling
"Does Tom know?" I asked and feeling the suspense building up as he didn't speak, every second felt like years.

"Well?" I asked as he sighed I began feeling butterflies build up
"Yea.." he said
"Who told him?" I asked
"I don't know.." he said as I scoffed and got up then I walked straight into toms rooms.

I shut the door and sat on his bed and he turned the music off and sat down with me

I let my head fall into my hands
"Do you know?" I asked
"Yea" he said
"Look Tom" I said before he began
"No Lils it's fine I don't blame you but why'd you come here" he said
"I don't know... Ellie told me she read my diary and I guess I can't say any more lies the truth is it now" I said and for some reason I began feeling tears swell up in my eyes but I held them back
"Lils it's fine I get it I mean it's wrong for Ellie to of done that" he said
"Who's stacy" I asked as I didn't know if I could hold my tears anymore as my throat began hurting

"She's well my ex girlfriend who's bills friends sister and they are close n still hang out even tho she manipulated me,cheated on me,mentally abused me but I loved her so much I kept going back to her till she moved away and I guess she's back now" he said and that's when I just broke.

"Tom I'm sorry I didn't know you had that relationship with her, she seems so nice and I don't know why I was nice to her I don't know, Tom I have so much on my plate I don't know how to cope and now everyone knows I have a crush on you and Stacy comes along" I said as I began crying and crying as Tom held me close to him
"It's fine calm down" he said as he stroked my head
"And all the paparazzi ruining my life, taking photos of me, YOU even both of us and it's driving me mad and they have been on my tail since I was fucking 14" I said through tears as I began feeling that feeling again, my heart began rapidly loosing its pace as I hardly could breath and I began shaking.

"Lilly you need to calm take a deep breath" Tom said as he got down on his knees and held my hands trying to calm me
"Breath...breath...breath...breath" he said repeatedly as I felt his pulse on his wrist and I tried counting the paces of the beats as I managed to calm myself down I looked up at Tom and I flew my arms around him.

"Tom I'm sorry" I said
"Lils stop it's fine don't say sorry Ik it's a lot but you'll be fine" he said
"I know Tom I'm sorry" I said again
"Listen Lils, do you wanna go grab some coffee or something later? Get your mind off things?" He said as I looked up and smiled
"Okay" I said now smiling
"I bet I look horrible right now" I said as Tom laughed so did I
"What about 5pm?" He asked
"Sure" I said as I got up and walked down the stairs and home.

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