California knots

14 0 0

(This chap is longer than the others)

We had landed in California.
Tom had hired us a mini bus and we went straight to a hotel.

"We have to keep it on the low, I know Tyler and what he can do" Tom said
Tom had sat us down in a hotel promo where he had discussed of what to do.

"Tyler is smart and a prick, he sees one of us he will shoot us dead. That's why Natasha will be going in." Tom said
"IS SHE FUCK" I yelled as it slipped out and Tom looked up at me
"Bill Lilly is fucking alive, she's fragile and if I don't get my hands on her I'll shoot you all" he said I'm a very cold tone making me go quiet.

"Natasha I spoken to your parents and they are okay with it that's why they are sending people from Italy to help us, your gonna go to there bar they own and make yourself noticeable for them to take you and when you find Lilly you will press this button and it will tell me where you are as I will meet with the Italians and we won't be going on quiet I'll go in and shoot the cunt" Tom said

"That's actually a good idea" Natasha said as we all agreed.

"Okay go get some sleep everyone, mission stars tomorrow night" Tom said as we left.

Me and Natasha were in bed as I was nervous.
"Natasha what if you die?" I said
"Bill don't worry I won't die I promise" she said but that didn't make me feel better
"Well I have a lovely day tomorrow I'm going sleep, love you" she said
"Shhh not to loud, Tom will hear" I said
"Love you too" I whispered as I turned over.

Tom still thought I treated her like a lap dog but I couldn't bare the thought of doing such things at all.

-next day-

Tom woke us up way too early.
"Tom what? We ain't going till later when the bar fucking opens" I snapped
"Sorry I couldn't sleep" he said
His face looked like hell, rough.

"Tom? Is everything okay?"I asked sitting up
"No,yes" he said
"Come on" I said getting out of bed as we went to the balcony.

"What's going on" I asked
"It's Lilly, bill what if she's really dead? What if they overdosed her on all the drugs" he said, his voice was shaken and raspy.
"Tom don't say that, we are going to get her back home safe and sound" I said
"But she won't be safe with me in Tokyo, people will want her and take her, what if she's too fragile?" He said looking up to me with pleading eyes as my heart aches for my twins pain.

"Tom don't think like this, once we get her back we will take the next flight straight back to Tokyo and take her hospital but if worse comes to worst then I don't know" I said as his eyes looked so sad

It was a long awkward silence for while before he got up and left, god knows where.

I didn't know what to do because he was right, we had no idea what drugs Lilly had been doing and how much she's drinks regularly, it's heartbreaking.

The rest of the day Tom had been on a low and in his room as I've been gustav and georg. Ellie and the girls were so heartbroken when I told them and they wanted to come but I couldn't risk it.

The time came, Lilly.

My heart was racing, every corner we took, every stop sign we stopped at, made me feel like we wouldn't come out of this alive. What would Tom do if he seen Lilly dead?

We came to this huge dark manor as we parked outside of it it.
"Natasha put this on and drive to the bar" Tom said as he handed her a skimpy pink dress as she put it on she got in my car and drove their as we staked out all in toms car.

"I'm gonna fucking kill Tyler" Tom said
"Don't we all" georg said

Natashas pov
I arrived as the big neon lights reflected off bills car I stepped out as I walked in the body guard eyed me as he grinned, when I walk past him he smack my ass, I felt sick.

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