I wish i was

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Tom had locked me in a room for a fucking week, he smashed my phone up in front of me and everything.

The room wasn't so bad I mean I had a nice bed and tv with a bathroom but I wanted to be in my room at MY house.

I heard the door click and prepared myself for whatever crazy thing Tom had in mind.
"Hey Lilly" he said
"What" I said
"You wanna come to the races tonight?" He asked
"Fine" I said as he left grinning.
I haven't really been able to explore the house other than when i ran from him but I got up and hopped in the shower.

When I got out I did some light makeup and had my hair wet(it's a wig) and curly and I put on a mini skirt with a tank top.

I left my room as I walked downstairs everyone was there as Tom grinned at me then I seen some girl.
"Who's that?" I asked as my heels made a clicking noise on the marble flooring
"Who am I? I am Tom kaulitzs girlfriend and you better not take him you lanky bitch" she said as my mouth dropped.

Bills eyes looked shocked as Toms face turned from happy to mad in a matter of seconds as he turned around he smacked the girl in the face as she fell tithe floor whimpering.
I was shocked he had ever even though of it. My hands covered my mouth as my eyes widened while I watched him beat her.

I snapped out of it and I jumped on toms back using as much strength I could but he literally grabbed me and threw me into the wall, I fell to the ground holding my head as I hit flashbacks.
-flash back-

"Your pathetic, Lilly" Tyler said grinning at me
"Take your clothes off" he said with a devilish smile
I stood there numb as I did so, it revealed my many bruises and small cuts all over my body.

"That's my girl now come sit on my lap" he said as I lifted one foot over my clothes after another and I sat on his lap
"Tease me" he said
I turned around and did so, tears fell from my eyes and I just wanted to die.

I felt a sharp pain on my ass, he had smacked it.

I didn't want this, I knew where's this was going and I didn't want it anymore.
I jumped up from his lap and grabbed my things
"Get here now" he said
"NO YOUR SICK" I yelled letting my tears fall down my cheek
He got up and walked slowly to me as every step he took closer I took one further.

I felt my back hit the wall as I got scared while he got closer I didn't know what to do.

He grabbed my neck and shoved his tongue deep in my mouth as I managed to push him off I ran to the other side of the room but he grabbed my arm, picked me up and threw me into the wall as I fell I went into a table as I laid on the floor in pain.

-end of flash back-

I was petrified as the boys got Tom off as the girl kissed him as they left but bill.
"Are you okay?" He asked and helped me up
"I got a flash back, I think Tyler might of been raping me" I said as bills eye brows furrowed, he hugged me.
"Your safe now" he said
"I'm not bill I'm not, I'm so scared of Tom and I'm so weak I have no energy to defend myself" I said crying in his arms
"I'm going to get you out of here don't worry" bill said
"But we need to go or Tom could do worse" he said and held me close as we left.

Bill had told he is going to get me out of here but I doubt that.
I was in my room at toms as I was counting down the minutes when Gustav came in.

"Mhm?" I asked
"Tom wants you" he said as I scoffed and got up.

I walked downstairs with a hoodie covering my head since I was very insecure at the moment and some shorts.

"Sit down Lilly" bill said
I sat down as Tom glanced over to me then bill
"We think it's best if you go home not to ellie but your parents in Germany till your well enough?" He said as I felt a huge smile spread on my face
"Yes omg when do I go?" I asked
"Tonight" he said sending me a wink as he had done It, he had got me out of this shit mess.

I glanced to Tom who looked extremely angry, guess bill went mad at him.

"Go pack your stuff Lilly, I'm taking you in about 2 hours and your gone for 1 year" Tom said as he walked off so did I.
I was so excited and happy I practically ran to my room packed my things and asked if I can stop by Ellie's to get my things.

Later that night Tom was driving me to the airport and it was extremely silent other than his techno playing.

I wanted to say something but I was too scared if I did he might do something.
"Lilly" he said as I felt myself tense up
"Tom" I said
"Listen I'm sorry for doing that to you, ever since we'll you was taken from me and you became a drug user the lot I don't want you leaving my sight but bill thinks it is the best then you can come back but I don't want you back at Ellie's I want you with me" he said
"Idc Tom I'm going back to Ellie's your a crazy cunt" I said
"I'm not" he said
"Yes..yes you are I mean who kidnaps me then hurts me okay? And plus you changed for the worst and I don't like it" I said

He didn't say anything as we kept driving but I noticed him getting angry real fast as his knuckles turned white from gripping the wheel right as the look on his face said it all.

I never thought I say this but I wish I was dead.

~ℒℴ𝓋ℯ 𝓀𝓃ℴ𝓉~   || tokio hotel|| Tom kaulitz||Where stories live. Discover now