Stay away from him

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The next morning I woke up with a huge hangover and the sound of my phone ringing made my headache worse.

"Hello?" I said in a scratchy voice
"Lilly it's amber can you come into my office now we need a chat" amber said as I groaned
"Okay" I said before hanging up
I got out of bed and looked in the mirror as my hair was messy and my makeup was smudged.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth and out my hair up as I put on some joggers and a shirt as I left to her office.
I was feeling so rough and I couldn't delver anything from last night at all.

Once I got there she sat me down and she did not look happy making me feel a lump in my throat.

"So I hope you know why I've called you in here today,Lilly?" Amber said making the lump feel even bigger
" I don't " I said
"Well you most likely haven't seen Facebook but the paparazzi have posted photos of you with many men last night, kissing and dancing on them and so that's going men to md them another caught you and Tom kaulitz kissing in the woods" she said as i raised and eye brow
"How is this bad?"I asked
"Well I mean your last boyfriend Jason then you have been seen with many boys after him now this, your getting names for yourself,Lilly it's not good your going to ruin your career your gonna ruin so what" she said making me just lost on words
"Well what do you want me to do exactly?" I said
"Stay away from Tom kaulitz and any other man" she said
"Forever?" I asked
"A while" she said
I sighed
"Is that it?" I asked
"Yep but you must keep away Lilly for the sake of you and the girls" she said as I left feeling a bit weird

I just shrugged it off and went back to bed. I woke up the next day with many missed calls from Tom,gustav,bill and georg. Fuck me what do they want

I called gustav back and asked.

"Well Tom wants to get hold of you since yesterday morning" he said
"Why?" I asked
"Not sure he didn't say" he said
"Okay tell him I'll call him later" I said as I hung up.

Toms pov
I had gotten a brief call from my manger, Mandy.
She had told me not to talk to Lilly anymore and to stay away and I was confused and a little annoyed. I called Lilly but no answer and she hasn't answered anyone all yesterday or today so I had no idea if she's alr and the girls have no idea I mean Lilly locks her doors.

I was getting a little worried but I had stupid Maxine at my every side.

Once my phone began buzzing I looked and it was Lilly.

Before u guys think why I ain't broken up with Maxine yet bc of what she done I mean she is a good shag.

"Hello?" She said through the phone
Her voice was so raspy and soft at the same time
"Lils" I said
"Yea" she asked
"My manager said I have to keep away from u and not talk to you" I said as I heard her begin
"Well I got called in yesterday and apparently I'm getting a name for myself,slut. Bc of the amount of boys I've been seen with making out and dating then the photos of me and you kissing in the woods and she said it's creating shame on my band" she said as I could hear a little pain in her voice.

"What the fuck,Lils I wanna see you" I said
"No Tom I'm not risking it all for a boy I'm sorry I've worked so hard on this" she said as I heard sniffling then a quick hang up. I let my arm fall from my face as I told Maxine to go home as I went to my room trying to think straight but I didn't know what to say or do I mean I feel like I like Lilly and Ik she likes me but it's the risk of of reputation and her bands I mean I can't do that to her. I just brushed it off as much as I could but it was annoying that the press called her a slut for being with man to man.

Lillys pov
"You don't need him, he is a slag himself" Ellie said
"Yea Lils who cares about Tom? You don't need a man" Lucy said
"Make yourself unreachable for any man or woman" Brianna said trying to boost my confidence
"Well-" I said
"No well your gonna stay away" Lucy said putting me back in my place
"Okay okay" I said giggling
"Well it's getting late we should really get to sleep" Brianna said as we all went to our own rooms.

I sat down at my vanity and got my laptop out as I began scrolling online for skin care and new makeup, the lot.

I had spent over £1000 each website I was on so around £5k
I didn't mind much I mean we go on our first world wide tour next year I'll fill the £5k with the money from that.

I got into bed and put some cartoons on as I drifted off to sleep.

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