Where is she?

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When I woke up I had a huge headache and I felt so sick and dirty, I looked in the mirror and my hair was everywhere in a bun, my makeup was smudged and I wore a old T-shirt with shorts, I looked so bad.

I was gonna take a day to myself and relax and the time was around 1pm so I was gonna go get some medical and water with some toast.
As I was walking down into the foyer I heard some laughing and talking in the kitchen, I walked in and there stood the boys and the girls.

"Hey sleepy head" Lucy said
"You look like a bombs hit you, hangover much?" Ellie said laughing so did Brianna
"Shut up" I said
"Omg your voice is croaky" Brianna said
"Stop" I said as my voice was due to yelling songs
"Excuse me" I said to Tom as he was in the way of the medicine cabinet.
The medicine I was looking for is at the top and I couldn't reach it no matter how hard I tried but I then went to get up on the side then I felt a body pressed on my back and a hard feeling on the top of my butt.

I felt my cheeks turn red as I could feel everyone's eyes looking at us and I knew it was Tom.

"Here" he said handing me the medicine
"Thank you" I said as I walked and grabbed my bottle and took 2 pills and then I made some toast and went upstairs.

Toms pov
"She must of been hanging last night" Lucy said
"Yea" Brianna said
"I heard her come in and she fell over into the door and I had to help her to bed" Ellie said
"Tom?" Bill said
"Yea?" I asked
"Go talk to her" he said
"What why?" I asked feeling nervous
"Well you need to talk to her" bill said
"But" I said
"NO" bill yelled as I went and looked for her room.

I knocked on the door and heard her sore voice say come in and so I did.
"Lilly I'm sorry I don't know why I was being cold to you I mean I love you I really do and I will keep it on the low for you" I said as she looked lost for words
"Tom.. I" she said
"I love you too i really do" she said as I sat down on her bed
"Can I?" I asked as she nodded to let me sit next to her on her bed.

I put my arm around and her and pulled her into me.
"I know it's the wrong time to ask but would you wanna be my girlfriend" I asked as I felt her giggle
"Oh Tom.. Ofc" she said as I smiled and gave her a peck on the head

Lillys pov
It all happened so fast and the moments kept playing and playing in my head, if amber knew, if the fans new if the girls knew?
"Tom" I said
"Yea" he asked
"Ik you wanna keep this on the low but this has to stay between us please" I said
"Ofc Lils it will stay just me and you okay" he said
"Thank you" I said
"Well I best not sit her and cuddle you then I better get down to everyone else" he said
"I'll see you when your not hungover" he said giggling making me giggling
"Bye Tom" I said smiling as he smiled back he left.

I cannot let any of this come out or it will ruin it all.

So for the past few weeks me and Tom have been sneaking off to places, renting some places out and everything and we even booked a hotel an hour away for the night. (No I didn't have sex with him)
Tonight me and Tom was gonna go to a water park that we rented out.

I was leaving my room when Stacy stood there
"Oh hi Stacy?" I said confused
"You fucking bitch" she said
"Excuse me?" I said
"You know what I mean your a slut" she said
"Bitch what" I said
"You and Tom I know you've been sneaking off together, I found you both and I have photos for proof and I was the one who told amber about you 2 seeing each other and a while back i stalked you for a solid month" she said grinning as I felt my heart fall
"What?" I said
"Exactly your speechless so now your in my hands, your gonna ghost Tom forever so I can have him, understand?" She said as I couldn't risk it
I sighed and nodded as she left with a smile and I shut my bedroom door and Locke sit as I let myself slide down the door my head fell into my hands as I cried, I loved Tom but Stacy has me in a trap, I wasn't careful enough.

Tom had called me but I didn't answer and I knew he would come over so I quickly packed an overnight bag and went to a hotel to take my mind off it all and I decided to leave my phone behind.

Once I got to the hotel the room was so beautiful and the view.

I sighed as I placed my bag on the side I jumped on the bed and soaked in the comfort of the mattress.

I just stayed there lost for words now and not knowing what to do I was stuck in a pit I couldn't seem to get my way out of.

Toms pov
I was now worried she hasn't picked her phone up in 3 hours and the girls have no clue where she is at all.

"Has she been acting off recently?" Bill asked
"Well she has been going out alot lately" Ellie said
"Do you know where?" Gustav asked as ellie shook her head
"Well I know why" I said
"Why Tom?" Brianna asked
"To see me, we have been dating for a few weeks now and we was going to a water park but she's gone" I said
"Why didn't you tell us?" Brianna asked
"She wanted to keep it a secret" I said
"Well she couldn't of gone far" Gustav said
"Yea don't worry we will find her" bill said and with that the girls went home and I went to bed.

Where could she of gone?

~ℒℴ𝓋ℯ 𝓀𝓃ℴ𝓉~   || tokio hotel|| Tom kaulitz||Where stories live. Discover now