Hot mess

21 0 0

I arrived back in Germany, the place I missed so much.

I seen my mum and dad as I ran to them while I heard them cry at the sight of me, they was so hurt and sorry what I went through and they wanted to get help for me.

Once they took me home I almost felt sad, I missed being with Tom and I know I shouldn't I just felt protected by him and I missed the girls and the boys but I missed my parents so I put on a act but not too much since they might want me to stay forever.

I was sat in my old room, it had posters all over the walls,clothes everywhere and it was just like that girl in 2000s.

Suddenly all the memories came flooding back to me, my teenage years.

I looked around and I came across this box with a huge smell coming from it?
I opened it to be met with weed.

My eyes widened as I put the box on my bed as I sat down.
I seen a picture of me and my old friends,mimi and Kim.
We used to smoke weed all the time and go other type of drug use.

I felt a tear slip from my eye as I had missed them dearly.

I placed the box on my side as I looked around for some sort of way to contact them but no luck.

I just felt sad now, I had nobody anymore. No Tom,ellie,bill,Brianna,Gustav,lucy, Georg,mimi or Kim.

I decided to smoke the weed at our old meet up place, I put on my wig and some baggy clothing as I grabbed the weed and the stuff as I left to the park.
It's around 11pm rn and I just felt sad.

Once I was at the park I rolled it up and lit it as I seen 2 girls walking to me snickering.

"What you doing?"one said as I kept my head down only seeing their shoes.
I took another drag ignoring the question.

"You smoking weed?" The other asked
As I ignored it again
"Hello? We are speaking to you?" The other side as I shot my head up
"Yes I fucking am now go the fuck away" I snapped as my face dropped so did theirs.

"KIM? MIMI?" I said jumping up and hugging them
"Omg Lils we never though we would see you again" Mimi said
"Yea we did" Kim said

"Can we have some?" Kim said as I nodded and handed them it.

"So how's life being famous?" Mimi asked
"Well I'm actually going to rehab tomorrow" I said
"Rehab?" Kim asked
"Yea well long story short, I was at a concert and shot in the lower stomach and I was announced dead but I wasn't I was kidnapped by some crazy man and another thing I had a thing with Tom kaulitz and we had just broken up since he cheated but it was all a lie and I was kidnapped by the crazy man and he had raped me,abused me and made me severely addicted to drugs, he also starved me so I'm so skinny now and he had cut my hair off so this is a wig and to
Had turned into someone I wouldn't ever talk to, he killed Tyler and my manger bc she was involved with it all and another girl but Tom can't find her, Tom scared me so much he even kidnapped me from Ellie's house and his brother bill hated how much he changed so he had no choice but to convince him to let me go home to here so that's why I am here" I said as Mimi and Kim's faced dropped.

"Lilly what the fuck? Are you okay?" Kim said hugging me
"Yea" I mumbled as Mimi joined in

"Well since it's your last day not being in rehab then why don't we do what we used to do" Kim said grinning so did Mimi

We used to steal cars,steal from places,egg houses,break into places, we was just a hot mess.

"Fuck yes" I said as we finished the spliff and left

"Okay you go the eggs and spray paint?" Kim asked
"Yep" Mimi said getting it out her bag as I grabbed an egg I threw it at the house so did the girls as we laughed then we spray painted a penis on the house as we ran away while they was yelling at us.

We then came to a 7/11 and we used steal here all the time.

"Psst Lils, get the bottle of vodka" Mimi said as I grabbed it and put it up my jumper, we grabbed a few things as the shop lady stopped us.

"You going to pay for that?" She asked
"Nope" I said then I punched her as we ran out laughing so hard, we ran to the park and drank the vodka and at the things we stole.

"I missed this" Kim said
"Same" I ginned
"Oh my gosh, you guys remember the place over on hillside street?" Mimi said
"Yes" we said
"Let's go there" Kim said as we grinned and got up.

"I'm not walking, Lils do you remember how to hot wire cars?" K asked as I nodded we went to this car and smashed the window, it was a pretty fast car and I picked a few things up from toms driving.

I hot wired it and we all got in as I sped down the streets of Berlin.

We blasted music and singing along like we used to.

Once we got to the place we looked it at as our eyes widened.
"Just as we remember" I said grinning as we all walked in.

We began smashing it up like we used to, making loads of noises and screaming then our hearts dropped.

"SHIT POLICE" Kim yelled as we all ran to the back of the house and over the fence down the road to be met with more police, we all stood together looking for an escape.

"THAT WAY" Mimi said as we ran the way she said and we kept running while laughing.

Some how we was cornered into a wall by police as we was all laughing so hard they put us in cuffs and into the back of the police van but I managed to break mine so did the girls.

I posted a photo of us on Facebook saying.

"With my girls again, missed you lots.
Too much fun tonight, ended up in the back of a police van" I put as I posted it

"Should we jump out?" Kim said
"Yes" I said as I picked the lock on the door and jumped out as we rolled on the floor from the van moving.

"RUN" I yelled as we ran laughing down the highway like lunatics.

That's when I felt a hard hit to the heard and it all went black.

I woke up in a prison cell.

~ℒℴ𝓋ℯ 𝓀𝓃ℴ𝓉~   || tokio hotel|| Tom kaulitz||Where stories live. Discover now