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Author's Note: This isn't something I've ever done before, but I had a great deal of fun with it. ^-^

PS. This is for the square "Daemon AU" on the Bad Batch Bingo. And it's also for Day 8 of Haunted Clone Week. :D

~ Amina Gila

In one universe, some of the clones have daemons. Despite societal norms, the Bad Batch and their daemons have always been extremely close with each other. And then, Order 66 happens and they lose Crosshair. They always knew they'd see him again after Bracca, but Hunter had not expected to meet him the way he did, after being captured on Daro. At least he's not alone.

Hunter stays calm and still, at least as much as he can when he sees Crosshair standing on the other side of the ray shield. The nexu is hovering nearby him, tail swishing, red eyes narrowed as her gaze flickers from Hunter to Crosshair and back again. Crosshair doesn't speak as he deactivates the ray shield, gesturing sharply for Hunter to come with him.

The wolf at his side whines softly, pushing her nose against Hunter's chest again before she reluctantly gets to her feet, padding out of the cell after him. For a few moments, they just look at each other. It's been a while since Hunter has seen Crosshair's daemon, Vision, in her preferred nexu form, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't miss her. The daemons, unlike them, aren't affected by the chips' activation – or at least she hadn't been affected by it on Kamino, yowling at Crosshair the whole time to stop fighting them, and it had been Wrecker's daemon who took him down on Bracca to keep Omega safe.

"Hi," Vision says, tail swishing, her mouth moving into a nexu-smile. It still looks terrifying, but Hutner grew up with her, so he can read her expressions. She's glad to see them, and if he had to guess, she's still mad at Crosshair for staying with the Empire.

"Stop talking," Crosshair snaps at her.

"Or what?" she snips right back, flicking her tail to one side and deliberately nuzzling up against Kyr'a's side. Kyr'a is Hunter's daemon, his wolf, her name based off the Mando'a word for wolf. Not terribly creative, but hey, none of their daemon's have very creative names.

Hunter shivers at the feel of it, the abrupt softness of Crosshair's soul brushing up against his own, and he can see Crosshair flinch, too. It's too soon, when they've been apart for so long, but Vision is very... willful, and she does whatever she wants. She's fiercely protective, much like Crosshair, and she's got a tongue that can match his. They... really are quite a pair. When they get along, they are the most terrifying duo ever, and Hunter would be lying if he said them getting along doesn't scare him and Kyr'a more than them fighting.

Daemons aren't supposed to touch or be touched by others. They're said to be an extension of the soul and touching them is... very intimate. But the Batch have never been very conventional, and when they grew up together, it became common for them to, occasionally, touch each other's daemons. And their daemons have always been as close with each other as Hunter has been with his brothers. Of course, Vision is being all touchy right now. She must have missed them terribly.

"I missed you," she purrs, rubbing her head on Kyr'a's side.

"Me too," the wolf answers softly, gently pushing her back with her head. She's calm, like Hunter, and she understands that now really isn't the time or place for touching. It's still too soon, far too soon, especially after everything that's gone down between them and Crosshair.

Crosshair loads them onto a shuttle, and Hunter slides down to the floor, knees drawn up, resting his cuffed hands on them as Kyr'a curls around him, glaring fiercely at anyone who approaches, even Crosshair. Vision sprawls out on the floor not too far from them, slowly and deliberately licking her paws, as if she doesn't have a care in the world. Two guards stand inside the entrance, watching, but Vision doesn't care. She probably should, because her attitude will reflect on Crosshair, and for all that his brother might be against them, Hunter still cares if he gets hurt. He always will.

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