Febuwhump Day Four: Obedience

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Author's Note: This is kinda sorta a role swap with Hunter in Rex's place and Omega in Ahsoka's. It was supposed to be angsty and about Anakin and Hunter adopting Omega. It... did not turn out like that though. xP

~ Amina Gila

Anakin is assigned to work with the Bad Batch instead of the 501st after his Knighting. When Omega is sent to Christophsis to be Obi-Wan's assistant, Anakin quickly realizes that she's Force sensitive, and she wants nothing more than to stay with her brothers. Taking her as a padawan is hardly something the Council will agree with, but that's not enough to stop him.

The air is thick with smoke as droids march through the streets of Christophsis below them. Anakin clamors atop one of the nearby structures, watching the super battle droids and towering spider droids behind them advancing on Obi-Wan and the 212th. He circled around to the back to take them out, along with the squad of clones he's been working with since the Jedi were called to the fronts to fight.

He wasn't given control of a legion like the rest of the Knights and Masters were. The Council didn't trust him enough, like they never have – but he shies away from that line of thought right now.

Anakin exchanges a wordless glance with Hunter, as they assess the situation together. He wasn't expecting to be paired with Clone Force 99, and despite what it means about how they don't see him half as capable as everyone else even though he doesn't understand why, he could never regret getting to know them. The first real friends he's ever had since Kitster.

They already know the plan. Anakin moves first, jumping off the ledge onto the first spider droid, stabbing his lightsaber into the top of it. The others clamor down and charge the droids, Wrecker throwing Hunter onto the top of the nearest one so he can stab out their eyes, making them easier to take out. Crosshair's sniping from above.

Anakin's finishing up the last of the spider droids, while the other four start taking out the super battle droids from behind.

They work their way through the droids to meet up with Obi-Wan and the 212th, but Anakin can hear tanks approaching now. They need reinforcements if they're going to get out of this. He and the Bad Batch can handle a lot together, but this isn't just a small operation. It's an all-out battle, and they're way outnumbered.

But then the droids suddenly start retreating. "They're pulling back?" Anakin realizes, half expecting some kind of trap, but the droids are rapidly disappearing between the buildings.

"Probably to regroup," Hunter supplies.

"I see reinforcements coming," Crosshair observes. Anakin follows his gaze, to see a Republic shuttle flying overhead.

Not much, but any help would be welcome right now.

Anakin and Obi-Wan move ahead to greet whoever's arriving,

"Then perhaps our problems are solved," Obi-Wan muses, "Fresh troops, new supplies, and perhaps they brought my... assistant with them."

"Assistant?" Anakin echoes, "Out here?" He heard that they were planning to give Obi-Wan someone to work with, since because of his Council position, he has control over a large part of the military.

"I'm unaware of who they're sending," he replies, arms crossed. Obi-Wan hasn't outright objected to it, but considering his role on the Council, and as the General of one of the largest groups in the Republic army, he's... busy. Very busy. Obi-Wan had still made it abundantly clear to Anakin that he doesn't like the concept, though he's unwilling to object it to the Council. If he needs help with something, Anakin and Cody are perfectly capable of covering.

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