Whumpay Day Twenty-Six: Alt. Hostage Situation

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Author's Note: I have no idea what this is but it was a request we got so I wrote it out. xD If you die of cringe while reading it, don't worry. I did too. XD

@To JediAcolyte: I hope this is what you had in mind for this idea lol

~ Tirana Sorki

Omega spent her entire life wanting to get off Kamino but adjusting to a totally different life is still complicated. The food is strange. Cid's extremely unsanitary fresher is strange. And having bounty hunters constantly on her tail is the strangest of all.

"Wrecker! What about this one?" Omega calls eagerly, bouncing on her tiptoes next to one of the food stands a distance away from Cid's parlor on Ord Mantell.

Wrecker appears at her side a moment later, eyeing the food.

It's weird that he's like three times her height now. He used to be tiny in her faint memories of him.

""s looks sugary," Wrecker realizes gleefully, reaching into the food stand to pull out a handful of the stuff, dropping a few pieces into Omega's hands.

"You'll be paying for that," reminds the very grumpy shop owner.

Oh right.

That's still a concern.

"Uhh..." Wrecker hesitates.

"We're almost outta credits," Omega says. They may have been given just a very small amount because Wrecker was complaining that he wanted something to eat other than ration bars.

"Charge Cid for it," he decides, passing a few more of the food pieces to Omega.

She bites down on them, the sugary taste spreading through her mouth. She's never eaten anything like this before. None of the foods on Ord Mantell are anything like what she's familiar with.

"I think the Mantel Mix was better," she remarks through a mouthful. Not that she likes these any less.

"These're good too," Wrecker replies, still stuffing his own mouth.

Too bad they almost are out of credits because she still wants to try more things. She wants to see everything. And try everything.

She never saw anything beyond Kamino before. Being stuck in Nala Se's laboratory, only able to occasionally go to the other rooms the Kaminoan did lab work in, was maddening sometimes even if she was used to it.

Omega never thought she would have a way out until only days ago, even if she dreamed about it sometimes. She wanted to feel free, to be able to explore, to... do the kinds of things her brothers got to do as soldiers. She wanted to be like them, not a lab assistant.

Not trapped all alone where no one even knew she existed. AZI was her best friend and Nala Se might have been nice but it was so... lonely. She wanted to talk to people sometimes, but no one was ever there. Nothing except the empty walls and AZI.

Omega glances up at Wrecker again, thinking back to the times when he was young. She hardly remembers it anymore but he and Hunter and Tech and Crosshair were the first anyone she really knew. She was always alone until then. Nothing had hurt quite as much as when they were taken away. She always missed them but Nala Se told her that she'd distract them from their duty as soldiers, and she wasn't allowed to be a soldier too.

She dreamed sometimes of what it would be once she got to meet them again, of all the places they would go together, of all the things they would do together, of what they would all be like. They aren't quite like she imagined they might be, and she wishes Crosshair was here with them but she's glad to be free of Kamino.

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