That Was Tech

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Crosshair always knew CX-2 was one of his brothers. He just didn't expect it to be Tech.

His body aches and his back aches from hitting the rocky wall, but Crosshair shoves himself up again, as he always does – always get back up pick yourself up keep moving keep fighting get home

He's stumbling, dizzy from CX-2's helmet being smashed into his face but he has to keep moving.

Crosshair lunges at him again, though he can't land a single sensibly placed blow – hand-to-hand combat was always Hunter's thing. Not Crosshair's. Hunter's the one who gets all knife-y personal.

Crosshair blocks the next punch, somehow – CX-2 is always the one on top of these spars, except this time, Hemlock's not here to call it off his favorite pet assassin is going too far.

Doesn't fully know how it happens.

Crosshair tries to reach for him again, and his hand smacks the side of CX-2's helmet – you're our brother, you're a person, too, you idiot

Crosshair hates him but Omega never gave up on him and it's not his fault he had his mind ripped apart in the – reeducation, as Hemlock calls it, either.

The assassin shoves him away, and Crosshair yanks his helmet off with him, hitting the ground again amidst the stream, landing on the sandy, rocky ground amidst the river. He stumbles upright, soaked and his bodyglove is sticking to him everywhere.

CX-2's helmet clanks off, rolling over, its visor staring up at them deadly, and Crosshair looks up.

In the dim, purple-tinted lighting, Crosshair sees his face for the first time.

His tangled brown curls, messier than they ought to be.

His goggles, green tinted instead of yellow.

His face is thinner, paler, and he looks – sicker. Like Echo.

His eyes are wild and fierce, but with the same sharp, intense focus.

"Tech?" Crosshair breathes, stumbling back. His foot slips in the sand but he can't think about that, can't think about anything other than is that Tech how what

"He – shot himself free of the rail car. He called Plan 99 –"

"He wanted you back He tried to help you. I'm not gonna waste that, Crosshair."


That's his brother. Tech.

Crying mid-battle is a guarantee to end up dead, but that's the most his stupid, stupid ten-year-old brain can manage. Tears are hot on his face. He stumbles back again, foot hitting something slippery and when CX-2 – Tech – comes at him again, he falls, splashing into the rushing water.

It closes over his face, and he clamps his mouth shut on panicked instinct. Kamino burns at the edges of his mind, water and wet and cold, closing in and dark, the shadows consuming, and before he can shove himself up, Tech is on him, hands on his shoulders, shoving him down.

Crosshair thrashes, trying to kick him off, to leverage himself free. His lungs are burning, screaming for air but he's at the wrong angle, unable to do anything but squirm.

This is Tech and stars he's going to die here Tech's going to kill him Tech –

He reaches up, trying to – to –

This is his brother.

Tech, who held his hand and cared for him and steadied and guided him, Tech who was always there for him and fought so hard to protect him, all of them – Tech, who died to save his family from the mess Crosshair started.

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