Whumpay Day Twenty-Seven: Caught in a Net/Survivor's Guilt

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Author's Note: Let's just say I watched a Certain Scene a few too many times, and uh. Well. :') Had to do SOMETHING with all the feels.

~ Rivana Rita

Crosshair always knew he'd have to confront Tech again. That never prepared him for the reality, or for the likelihood of having to let the shadow of his brother go. That won't stop him from trying to reach out for him again, even if he regrets it.

He can't move. He's trying. Needs to – stars he has to move Wrecker needs him and Tech's blade is an inch away from his hand and he can't pull back – the weight of his boot is keeping his arm pinned and he can't pull back as hard as he tries.

He rolls onto his stomach, struggling and twisting and squirming and trying desperately to break away but there's nothing.

He can't lose his hand. That's what makes him useful he can't lose that stars Force please

He can't move. Can't pull away. He tries, but his head is spinning and swimming and he can't Tech's going to hurt him he's going to –

Stars –

He has hurt him, but this is different this is more and this isn't something he can pick himself back up from.

"You should be more careful," Tech says, his voice horribly distorted by his helmet and that's probably a good thing because Crosshair doesn't think he could handle hearing it in his real voice. He tries to pull away, but the weight of his boot is too much to break free from and stars no nononono – "With your shooting hand."

Something in him shatters. He's not supposed to cry. Not supposed to beg but this is Tech this is his brother he can't – please –

I'm sorry I did this to you. I'm sorry I made you this. I know what I did but please don't hurt me don't do this I can't –

Crosshair jerks and tries to wrench away, tears spilling down his face. "Tech, please. Don't do this don't – please –" This isn't him and he knows that but he doesn't care can't care can't – he can't do this

Something pauses.

He's crying. Sobbing. Shaking. He can't move can't – he can't make it stop no one can make it stop he's back here the one place he never, ever wanted to see again please –

Tech's supposed to be the one who takes care of him but he's not he won't because he's not him anymore, because Crosshair got him killed.

"I'm sorry." He's struggling and trying to get away but he can't move and the pressure's too much. He needs it to stop can't let this happen he can't lose his hand. "Please, Tech. Don't do this."

The weight on him shifts and Crosshair wrenches and rolls away the millisecond he has a chance, scrambling as far back as he can move. His fingers are burning and he's fairly certain Tech's weight probably broke something, but he can deal with a break or fracture or whatever as long as – as –

Crosshair's back slams into the debris pile or wall or whatever he hit earlier. They're still there still coming still –


There's no way out. There's nothing –

He curls in on himself, away from Tech away from everything and pressing his hand to his chest and curling around it. His wrist aches from where it was stepped on but it's still there it's still there and that's the genuine most he can ask for.

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