Author's Note

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Author's Note: Before we decided to make this separate collection, we posted a number of Bad Batch one-shots in our separate collection for general Star Wars one-shots. The plots are listed below in the order they appear in the collection, in case you're interested in checking them out. :D

Vode An - "We were brothers once. We can be again." Torn apart by the Empire, Clone Force 99 has been divided for far too long. Trust, once lost, is not easily regained, but maybe, all that it needs is a chance, taking a risky gamble based merely on hope. Crosshair has been missed. Sorely. And now, perhaps Hunter can get through to him and convince him to come back.

In A Blaze of Glory Hunter doesn't know what to make of the newest member of Clone Force 99, Anika Skywalker, a Jedi from an alternate reality. She is... an anomaly, and she seems determined to shake up the predictability he and his brothers have built. But maybe it's not a bad thing. Not when he meets Omega. And there's something about Anika that draws him to her, that draws them... together.

Sunward - Ever since Anakin and Omega met, they've been almost inseparable. They've grown together, laughed together, fought together, cried together. And now, they've been captured by Death Watch together. To get back to their family, they'll have to work together. And they'll also have to confront how much they've come to mean to each other.

Displacement - All Hunter wants is to get Omega back. In another time, all young Omega wants is to be reunited with her brothers again. They ask, and the Force answers... just not at all in the way either of them was expecting. It all spirals from there, and whether for better or worse, nothing will be the same again.

The Baby Batch - In which Omega first meets and helps take care of her baby brothers. Even if soon, they'll be far older than she is.

Lula'd - The five times Lula's presence comforts the Batch members, and the one time she doesn't have to.

Restoration - When the Bad Batch doesn't immediately track Hunter to Kamino, Hunter finds himself strapped down to a table and tortured for information on their whereabouts... by Crosshair. Crosshair, who breaks before Hunter does, turning on the Empire to stop Hunter from suffering any further. Chipped or not, he couldn't see Hunter in pain indefinitely without snapping.

On Your Love I Stand (two parts) Hunter has one question for Crosshair. Why? Why... everything? And when he, and Crosshair, awaken in the past, before everything came crashing down, Hunter can finally ask his brother the question he wants to know most: why? Did they try to go after Crosshair for nothing? Did Tech die for nothing? Why? Why did Crosshair do it?

The Cat Batch - An accident in Nala Se's lab leads to Omega shapeshifting into a cat. Tiny and panicked, she runs away to find her brothers so they can make it better. Which they can't, but they can adopt her as their pet. Until Nala Se comes. That doesn't stop Omega from going back. Again. And again. And then, the war is over, and her brothers still don't know she's a person. Until they do.

Blood Bound - It was supposed to be a simple mission, but it quickly spirals downhill when Crosshair seemingly randomly and unexpectedly bites Hunter. Because apparently, he got turned into a vampire when he was briefly captured by the local creatures. And now, Hunter is transforming as well. Oh well. Just another crazy day in their lives, Hunter supposes.

Blood Touched (two parts) - Anakin had not expected to be literally jumped when he went to check on Echo to see how he was settling in. He definitely had not expected the secret that the Bad Batch have been harboring. But he thinks he handles it remarkably well, considering that he's turning into a vampire, too, now. Being a vampire is actually kind of fun, though.

Clipped Wings (two parts) - Captured by the Empire on Daro, Hunter fears what the Empire, and Crosshair, will do to him. He can handle torture. He can't handle being tortured by his brother. But the Empire's plans are worse. They want to take his wings, to forcibly reincorporate him into their ranks, and that is something he doesn't know if he can endure.

Blood Ties - Even though Anakin, and many, if not most, of his clones, are vampires, that alone is not enough to stop the Sith's plans. The Republic may be falling, and an Empire may be rising, but Anakin's first priority is his family, his coven. Padme. Their child. His boys. His fellow vampires. They come first, before the Republic, before the Jedi Order. And then, Order 66 happens.

A Crossing of Blood (two parts) - The mission to mine ipsium went badly, leaving the Batch trapped in a collapsed mine. It's not until after they find another chamber by going over a waterfall that they realize they're being followed. By Crosshair. Who is clearly not at all in his right mind since he keeps trying to bite them, to feed on their blood.

Bonds Unbroken - The war is over, and the clones are trying to find their way in this new galaxy. It is different from anything that Echo has ever known. Invited to Naboo by his former General along with the rest of his squad, Echo is uncertain about this new way of life. But with the kid they've picked up, they can't be soldiers anyway. Maybe this is exactly what they need.

Stolen Dreams - In an alternate universe, Clone Force 99 was separated after leaving Nala Se's lab the first time, but even apart, they're still together. A strange dream connection binds them together, letting them speak every night. Tech doesn't know if the others are real, but he needs to know. But is it worth it, if it means their dreams might stop?

Mindless - In one universe, Clone Force 99 was raised apart. They share a dream connection, one which allowed them to grow up together. Their dreams only stop when together, and they have been, ever since their squad formed... until they weren't. Wrecker isn't ready to face his little brother again after Kamino, but something else is wrong, isn't it?

Miss Me - After tracking Hemlock from Eriadu to Tantiss, the Bad Batch successfully launches an infiltration to rescue Crosshair from the Empire's grasp. Getting Crosshair was the easy part. None of them had really thought about how hard it would be to actually have him back. Until they do.

Sunkissed - As the new Senator of the Mandalorian system, Omega has a huge amount of responsibility on her shoulders. But she's not alone. Her brothers will always be with her, and they'll support her through everything. Anakin is with her, too, and she couldn't ask for a better fiancé. They'll make the galaxy a better place. Together.

Blood Kin - Since getting Crosshair back on Bracca, the Bad Batch have been laying low on Ord Mantell until they're unexpectedly attacked by a familiar face from the past, someone long thought dead. But he's not himself, and the only way to get back the brother Echo knew may be to turn him, too, so he's a vampire like they are. It's time for the coven to come back together.

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