Chapter 16: Locating the Last Rydonian Sanctuary

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Karxilia City / Pyramid of Science / Night / Locating the last Sanctuary

They are now inside the room and Verdin entered.

Verdin: Hello! Amanda and Rexus!! You two came back!!

Amanda: Hold on Verdin ill hug you later! Im busy at the moment!

Verdin: Oh okay... what are you--?

Empress Falyria: Amanda is locating the last Rydonian Sanctuary.

Verdin: The last one!? What happened with the other ones like on Red Peninsula!?

Rexus: Me and her we destroyed the other sanctuaries and we killed lots of Rydonians with a new missile we created and from 5,000 Rydonians alive before, there's now currently only 365 left in Haxaria!

Verdin: Really!? So its almost done then!!

Princess Gladyr: Almost done love!

Amanda: FOUND IT!! (Points at the global map and it blinks in red a location) Its right there on that island! That's where they are hiding! And many of the Rydonians are heading back to regroup! Let me see how many are in here..... only 223 there currently!

Empress Falyria: Then lets sail to that island and bring all our fleets!

Princess Gladyr: Lets send them with Everything!! All our fleets are equipped with those turrets Amanda designed!

Amanda: You all have installed them!?

Empress Falyria: We did! All our ships have missile racks and those new turrets that shoots lots of plasma projectiles!

Amanda: Well! Then let's sail now! but before that as promise. (Went to Verdin and she hugs him and he hugs her back and lift her while hugging her) Ive missed you so much!

Verdin: I too missed you and your sister and Garlor especially him.

Amanda: He did?

Verdin: (Lets her go) He did! He really missed you the most! Want to see him before we depart?

Amanda: I want to! show me!

They exited the pyramid moments later and Verdin is bringing Amanda to the palace where Garlor currently are.

Garlor: Oh there she is!! Sister!!

Amanda: Garlor! i forgot how much you have grown up! (Chuckled and Garlor hugs her and she hugs him back) You are taller than me now! Like, 6 feet tall!

Garlor: Ive missed you so much! I was working so hard with mother. (Releasing her) Varia is at the moment on the shipyards dad.

Verdin: And Vyria?

Garlor: Apparently Vyria has a crush with someone.

Amanda: Vyria dating with someone!?

Verdin: I told her she will love someone!

Garlor: Should i look for her?

Verdin: Nah! let her be. The most i want to see from my children's is all getting marry! (Looks at Amanda) Even you darling.

Amanda: You know since i arrived here i tend to forget that im not exactly your true daughter or you are my true father but its really making me feel like family.

Verdin: Amanda i really don't care if you are human, you are part of our race now. even our family. I see you more daughter to me like the others. I want you all getting married eventually.

Garlor: I don't know if i would ever find love father, no female has been interested in me.

Verdin: Son it takes time. Romance is not something you should rush with, let time itself finds you a female that you will love forever.

Princess Gladyr: (Coming) Love! we are getting deployed now!

Verdin: Well we need to get moving. Garlor stay here alright?

Garlor: Yes dad, ill see you all soon and be careful out there. (Looks at Amanda) Another hug wont hurt me sister.

Amanda: Aaaww (Went to Garlor and hugs him and he hugs her back wrapping her with his wing arms) You look like Gladyr you know... ill see you eventually Garlor.

Garlor: (Kissed her head) See you later. (Letting her go and he went back to the Palace to work)

Amanda: (Walking with Verdin and she looks at him) Wow...

Verdin: I told you about that...

Amanda: He really missed me that much??

Verdin: He always asked us about you, you two have been close after the end of the war with Red League.

Amanda: I know... We spent quite a lot together but i never knew he actually missed me this much.

Verdin: Garlor cares for you a lot... he is afraid if something bad happening to you again.

Amanda: Something bad happening to me? i dont get it...

Verdin: I never told you about this but Garlor has been traumatized and still he is after what Ferian did to you that day. he told me thats the most horrifying day he ever witnessed in his life seeing you bleeding to death and not responding.

Amanda: Oh... he never told me this...

Verdin: Gladyr and Falyria had to give Garlor help since then. He is traumatized still to this day and thats why he hugs you like that.

Amanda: Yeah, he never hugged me like that ever since i knew him.

Verdin: He's afraid of you getting killed darling.... he wants to protect you too.

they continue walking and heading to the docks as they will get deploy

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