Chapter 21: Falcon's Sacrifice

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Rydonian Last Stand / Evening

Its been one minute of fighting and they continue fighting, Dereik has grown strong this time equal to Harik. Then Dereik manage to tail attack surprisingly Hariks legs and he collapses and Dereik pin him down.

Harik: (Claws on his neck as Dereik is chocking him) AAAHKK!!! AAAAHKK!!!!!

Lord Dereik: I SHALL MAKE FALARUK PROUD!!! (Opened his mouth to breath attack him and then...)

General Falcon proceed to charges in the air and collided with Dereik as he send him away from Harik.

General Falcon: (Getting up as he is hurt badly from the collision) Aagh!! Harik I got this!

Harik: (Hurt as he cant get up) General!!! Don't do it!!!


Lord Dereik: A Rodanian weakling!? Hah!! Is a shame your species doesn't have breath attack you know...

General Falcon: Maybe we do not.... But Ive killed Rydonians before with my own weapons.

Lord Dereik: Come on old wyvern... you cannot hope to defeat me!!!

General Falcon: No... but your kind will go down with mines!!! (He proceed to charges at Dereik)

Harik: FALCON!!

Falcon is now fighting Dereik melee to melee as Falcon has armor on his wings like a knife and several metal spikes on his tail tip. He made a sudden movement and manage to tail slap Dereik on his face as he made him lose an eye.

Lord Dereik: (Screamed in pain) AAAAGHH!!!!! (Growling aloud at Falcon) (Charges at him)

They are now clashing again and Falcon using all what he has. Dereik breath attack him and he screamed in pain and use his claws on his legs and slashed Dereik's chest. Dereik back off and proceed to charges at Falcon to his left sides fast and tackles him and he pin him to the ground.

Harik: NO!

General Falcon: (Pinned to the ground completely and looks at Dereik with his right side eye) End this you scum!!

Lord Dereik: (Snarled and proceed to bite attack Falcons neck and rips off a chunk of flesh and he roared aloud in pain)

Harik: FAAALCOOON!!!!!!

Lord Dereik Ate the flesh he rip off and he is about to eat Falcon but got shoot by several plasma bolts coming from Derik and Dereik proceed to leave the area and flew away from everyone

Derik: (Landed) Harik!! Are you alright!?!

Harik: Check Falcon now!!!

Derik: Dammit!! (Walks in four to Falcon fast) General!! General!! Is us!!!

General Falcon: (Dying as he still laid down) Derik....

Harik: (Walking hurt towards him) Falcon!! Im here!! Let us heal you!!

General Falcon: No... is already too late... let my race die. I wanted to do this.... I wanted to die with glory boys.

Derik: No! Falcon there is still--!

Harik: Derik is fine..... he knew that theres no hope for the Rodanians. That's his wish brother.

General Falcon: You Raxarians must protect our Haroxians Harik... You, Haroxians must work alongside with Amanda's kind. Your race are our next successor of Haxaria's skies. (Sees Emerald spirit and his family waiting for him behind Derik and Harik) I have no much time left.....

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