Chapter 22: The Last Rydonian

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Haxaria / The Last Rydonian / Night

Harik and Amanda continues to pursue Dereik after two hours flying and they can see a distant beach and they can see in the skies the two moons and the rings around.

Amanda: (Looking at her tablet) He's around in this continent somewhere I can see hes at ten miles away!

Harik: That's quite close! (Looking around)

Amanda: I cant see him...

Harik: (Sees a Rydonian flying in the distance) I see him!! (Charges at him) DEEEREEEIK!!!!!

Lord Dereik: (Looks back) WHAT THE!!! HOW DID YOU!? (He started flying away scared)

Harik: (Activate guns and started firing at Dereik and missing lots of shots) HES FAST!

Lord Dereik: (Dodging lots of plasma balls and flying fast)

Amanda: Hold on let me help you! (Went to his horns and holds it with both her hands and using Harik's head by looking in between his horns like a weapon sight) (Looking at Dereik in between Harik's horns) There! Fire!!

Harik: (Firing several plasma balls)

Lord Dereik: (Got hit several times and he struggles to fly) AAGH!!!

Amanda: Come on we got him!! Fire!!!

Harik: (Firing several plasma balls)

Lord Dereik: (Got hit several times and he gives up as he is looking to land and once he is close to the surface he crashes as he is injured)

Amanda: Easy!!

Harik: Next time when we have air battles you better do that! I had better accuracy when you use my horns like a sight!

Amanda: I know! Let's finish him off now!

Harik: (Proceed to land in four) Dereik!! There is no escape from me this time now!!

Lord Dereik: (Getting up and struggling) You cannot defeat us Harik! You are still a Rydonian at heart!

Harik: Wrong.... I'm no longer like your kind anymore.... I'm now a Raxarian at heart because I transferred my soul to this new body.

Lord Dereik: (struggling to get up as he is badly injured) You are an abomination!! You are not a Raxa---!!

Harik: You are just jealous... Dereik its over... this fight is over, you lost! Rydonians have lost this war.

Lord Dereik: (Angry snarl) Is a shame my clan and our young didn't get the chance to feast on your pet!

Amanda: Ah yes I'm his own pet! Let me tell you every time im with Harik I feel safer than ever! He is one of my best friends I ever had in my life!

Harik: And you will be safe with me for now on... because you will never harm her!

Lord Dereik: I wish i could just ate her!! you will pay for everything you have done to my clan alien!!!

Amanda: (LAUGHING!!!) Ah yes!! Also Dereik.. did you enjoy watching your sanctuary getting blown up by nukes!? did you like that!?


Amanda: Because thanks to the Xantarian Satellites that are orbiting this world and they are giving me information from all your kind and their locations just like you! (Showing her tablet to him) I tracked you all thanks to technology Dereik!! Your kind can never hide from us and they never will again oh wait!! I forgot!! Your kind doesn't exist anymore!!!! 


Lord Dereik: We shall see! Falaruk shall soon---!!!!

Harik: Falaruk bullshit I grew tired hearing you mention that name!! so if you love your so call "god" Then I shall send you to him! so go ahead and meet your beloved god! (in a defense pose and fired his cannons at Dereik as he went back flying and crashed a few meters away)

Harik proceed to walk towards Dereik as he is grounded laying there and he is looking at his face now.

Harik: Any last words?

Lord Dereik: (Dying and he is angry) Haxaria! Shall be Falar---!!!

Harik: I didn't care about your opinion anyways so go ahead and meet your god! (Use his claws and stab Dereik's throat)

Lord Dereik: (Blood coming out in his throat) AAAHKKAAAAHKK!!!

Amanda: Oh gosh!! That is too graphic! (LAUGHING!!!)

Dereik is now dying, and he is losing lots of blood, then few seconds later, he stopped responding and Harik check on his pulses.

Harik: (Checking his pulses with his fingers and Growl pleased)

Amanda: Its over...... Its over!!

Harik: (Stood up in two as Amanda is holding for dear life and Harik gave a loud victory roar for five seconds!!!) ITS OOOVEEEERRR!!!!!

Dereik is finally dead as Harik killed the Last Rydonian, as the menacing species has finally come to an end and their genocide ideas. Haxaria shall be now a better place without them. Harik sense a relief that his old species have finally being kill off and sees himself a new person than what he used to be years ago.

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