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In the depths of love's twisted game, we play,
You revel in chaos, a troublemaker at play.
You leave me behind, my heart in despair,
Yet I find solace, knowing you still care.

For though you cause havoc, my love remains,
I let you return, despite all the pains.
Sticking around is my inherent trait,
Tolerating the darkness, accepting your spate.

In this twisted dance of affection and strife,
I am drawn to you like a moth to light.
Your bad behavior, I reluctantly endure,
For deep down, I know our love is pure.

So go ahead, my troublemaker, be on your way,
But remember, my heart awaits your return someday.
For in this chaotic bond, we are destined, it's true,
You love to trouble, and I love only you.

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