³⁹. the devil's calling

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Cloaked in a simple robe, Pharaoh Tyung walked through the streets of the ancient city, eyes darting around to avoid drawing attention.

His destination was the temple, a place where knowledge and wisdom resided.

As he entered, the scent of incense filled the air, and the soft murmurs of prayers surrounded him.

In the dim light of the temple, Tyung approached an elderly scholar known for his knowledge of history and ancient mysteries.

With a respectful bow, Tyung spoke, his voice low but firm, "Honored Elder, I seek your wisdom. We face a grave threat in the form of the Shadow Warden, an ancient sorcerer banished through time. We need your expertise to track his presence in the annals of history."

The elderly scholar, his eyes wise and discerning, regarded Tyung with a knowing gaze. "Pharaoh Tyung, your concern for our kingdom is commendable. I shall delve into the chronicles and scriptures, seeking any mention of the Shadow Warden. The histories hold secrets that may aid us in this perilous quest."

With a sense of heavy responsibility, Tyung waited, his heart pounding with the weight of whats to come.

The elder's gnarled fingers traced ancient texts, his eyes scanning the pages with a practiced precision.

After what felt like an eternity, the scholar's expression shifted, a glimmer of recognition in his eyes.

"I have found references, Pharaoh," the elder said, his voice filled with gravitas.

"The Shadow Warden's name appears in texts dating back centuries. It is said he once wielded a dark artifact, a relic of immense power. Legend speaks of his banishment by a group of powerful sorcerers who harnessed the energy of celestial bodies to cast him adrift in time."

Tyung's eyes narrowed, absorbing the information. "Can you determine the locations he might have been banished to? Any patterns in his appearances throughout history?"

The elder nodded slowly, his fingers tracing the lines of text. "There are mentions of disturbances in specific eras—ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire, the Silk Road, and the Great Wall of China. These instances coincide with the Shadow Warden's malevolent influence. It seems he seeks places of great power and historical significance."

A sense of urgency settled over Tyung. "We must focus our efforts on these eras. If we can anticipate his movements, we may have a chance to confront him before he can unleash chaos upon our world."

The elderly scholar closed his eyes, his frail fingers tracing invisible sigils in the air, chanting an incantation that seemed to reverberate through the very fabric of reality.

His voice, though soft, carried ancient power, resonating with the weight of centuries. "By the stars that govern time and the threads that weave destiny, I beseech thee, reveal the path of the Shadow Warden!" His words hung in the air like an ancient hymn, echoing through the temple's hallowed halls.

A tremor passed through the scholar as if the spirits of ages past had answered his call.

Beads of perspiration glistened on his forehead as he murmured, "My Pharaoh, you shall see the road sooner than the sun rises upon the Nile. The shadows cannot hide from the light of your righteous pursuit."

His hands fell to his sides, the mystical energy dissipating into the ether.

With a deep bow of gratitude, Tyung thanked the elder, his mind racing with newfound knowledge.

Armed with this information, he returned to his allies, ready to strategize their next moves against the enigmatic and dangerous enemy.

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