𓆣⁴⁰. the battle of fate

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The courtroom was a cacophony of voices, a symphony of chaos as criminals awaited their fate.

Amidst the commotion, Jungkook's eyes darted around, searching for a certain blue haired, but he was nowhere to be found.

Jeymeen, too, shared Jungkook's apprehension, both of them exchanging concerned glances as the session continued.

Finally, as the last case was addressed, Jungkook and Jeymeen approached Pharaoh Tyung, updating him on the army's preparations.

Just then, a guard entered, bowing before the Pharaoh and handing a scroll to Jungkook.

Intrigued, Jungkook accepted it, his eyes narrowing as he noticed the peculiar blue hairs attached to the parchment.

With a mixture of curiosity and urgency, Jungkook unrolled the scroll, his eyes scanning the ominous words written upon it.

A chill ran down his spine as he read the threat: "You have something that belongs to me, young warrior, and so do I... I'm not very patient. One for one. Bring me my precious scepter."

Jungkook's anger surged like a storm within him, veins popping on his neck as he clenched the scroll tightly.

Flipping it over, he found a drawing of a sphinx, realization striking him like lightning.

The kidnapper wanted him at a specific location, and Jungkook was prepared to face whatever danger lay ahead, his determination burning brighter than even before.

The revelation that Taehyung, the spoiled irresponsable brat was kidnapped by the shadow warden struck them like a thunderclap, leaving a charged silence in the room.

Jeymeen, his eyes sharp with unusual concern, pointed out the unmistakable blue hairs attached to the scroll.

Tyung's unease deepened; the shadow warden was already within their midst, and his grip on Taehyung was evident.

"Jungkook, you can't face this alone," Tyung urged, his voice laced with worry. "We must plan this together."

But Jungkook, his fury a raging inferno, refused to heed their advice.

His eyes blazed with determination as he bellowed, "I'm not waiting for him to strike! Taehyung's safety depends on me, and I won't let anyone else be harmed because of my inaction. I'll confront the shadow warden alone, and I'll end this once and for all!"

His words hung heavy in the air as he stormed out, his words final.

Tyung and Jeymeen exchanged troubled glances, their worry for Jungkook and Taehyung weighing heavily upon them.

The room, once filled with the whispers of advisors and the gravity of their duties, now bore the tension of an imminent battle, a battle that Jungkook was determined to face alone, consequences be damned.


In the dim light of the Sphinx's chamber, Jungkook's figure stood tall and imposing, his eyes ablaze with determination.

The minions guiding him quivered in his presence, their bravado evaporating like mist before the sun. They hurriedly retreated, leaving Jungkook to face the shadows alone.

"Shadow Warden!" Jungkook's voice reverberated through the chamber, his tone unyielding. "Your games end here! Show yourself!"

A sinister laugh echoed in response, chilling the air.

From the depths of the shadows emerged a figure, hauntingly handsome, with eyes as red as blood.

His presence exuded malevolence, like a devil cloaked in human skin.

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