Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

"This sucks," I complained as I pulled yet another piece of fabric from the dress rack. "Remind me why I decided to go again?"

"Because you love me," my younger sister replied as she picked out a gold necklace.

I gave up and sat down on the small stool provided. "Do we really have to wear dresses? Why can't we just wear jeans?"

"Anna, it's a 'Suit and Tie' theme. That means we must all show up in formal wear."

Amber put her hands on her hips. She resembled a teacher when she did that.

"Okay, okay I get it." I huffed. I returned to the dress rack and scoured for another eye catching one, but to no avail.

Amber rolled her eyes. "Do you need me to help you, dear sister?"

"Why, that would be much appreciated, princess." I answered, playing along with her. Amber can be really funny sometimes.

I sulked in a corner while she constantly shook her head as she browsed through a countless number of dresses. I watched as she ran around to the other side of the rack to find other dresses for me.

Amber had already picked out her own dress, which was a bright yellow dress with a plunging neckline. The length fell to just above her knees. I had violently objected her choosing if that 'indecent' dress. However, Amber will always be Amber. There was no way that I could persuade her not to get that dress.

Suddenly, Amber's head snapped up from the clothes rack. A wicked smile was plastered on her pretty face. "I've found it! The perfect dress!"

I sighed and got up. I headed in her direction, wondering how my dress would look like.

I stopped short as I saw it. I glanced at Amber, then the dress, and back to Amber again. I'm sure my face wore a look of utter disbelief.

My face twisted into one with an ugly grimace. "Amber, what's that?"

"Your dress!" She squealed, completely oblivious to my facial expression.

No way. Never in my life am I going to wear that revolting thing. It totally bypasses the law of nature for overweight girls. How can Amber even pick that out?

The dress that she picked out was a sickening shade of pink, with a rhinestone studded neckline. The neckline was the first thing that made me disagree to even go near it. It had too low a neckline. Might as well not wear anything on top.

I shook my head in disgust. "Never am I going to wear that. Never!" I shrieked. I tried to shield my eyes.

"Aww come on Anna, live a little!" She exclaimed. "I'm sure this would look perfect on you!"

"I am a size 40, not 20, Amber. I sure cant fit into that... Thing." I gestured towards the revolting piece of fabric.

She sighed and placed her chin in her hands. Suddenly, she snapped up. "I know just the place!"

Before I could start to ask anything, she grabbed my hand and whisked me out of the dress shop. Amber was running at full speed and dragging me along with her through the mall.

By the time she slowed into a walk, I crashed right into her, unstable. I coughed and wheezed, then huffed and puffed.

"Amber!" I scolded. I put my hands over my abdomen, where stitches were beginning to develop. I totally regretted helping Amber.

"Shit." I muttered, as I sat down on a bench. I grabbed my bottle and chugged down water like it was my life.

"Bad word," Amber chastised.

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