Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I feel stupid.

He looked so happy. They were laughing away at some private joke in his car. And worst of all- he has to drive by my house.

I could have dismissed the fact that he had forgotten about our little date. But after what I saw, I could not bring myself to see how stupid I was.

I glanced down at my dress and saw my reflection on the glass window. My mascara was now smudged with tears, staining my blushed cheeks. Since I was not going for a date anymore, my makeup can be as untidy as it already was.

I kicked off my heels and sat down on the porch, hugging my knees to myself. I felt so alone. My little sis, Amber was out with her boyfriend; mom and dad were out for dinner; Elle was probably smooching with Greg. I was such a mess.

I ducked my head between my knees and cried to my heart's content. Why can't I have a normal life? The guy I like is with my new found enemy. I felt lifeless just thinking about them.

It was as if my heart has been shattered and stabbed by a thousand knives. The image of Naya and Adam replayed in my mind and tears started brimming at my eyelids.

I sat on the porch for a good fifteen minutes before unlocking the door and going back into my house. My once excited emotions were now replaced with hurt.

Since I was sweaty and my face was in an indescribable mess, I decided to take a long shower to relax my mind.

I shed my blue dress and entered the shower, without bothering to remove my makeup the right way. I didn't have the mood now; I just want to clean myself up, the rest can wait. I know my face will be all oily and sticky after my negligence but I really didn't have the mood to spend time to remove the makeup.

I stood under the shower head and let water run all over my body. I tried to push Adam out of my mind but to no avail. I liked him so long and this is how he treats me? I was silly to even think that he was starting to take notice of me.

My tears were still coming. They mixed with my mascara and makeup before merging with the water from the tap, and slowly made their way down the drain hole. I imagined that those are the silly memories I had with Adam. Like when he asked me where I stayed and when he asked me out etcetera. It wasn't a lot of memories, really.

I felt the skin on my fingers crinkle and decided that I have spent too much time in the bathroom. My eyes were so puffy that I could not open them right. I groped around for my towel and after what seemed like forever, I finally felt it and dried my body. I wrapped myself up and stared at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. Seriously. In addition to my spare tyre on my tummy, now my face looks bloated too. My eyes were red and the skin around it were pink. I look like a nightmare straight out of a horror movie.

I trudged back into my room feeling like a zombie. I wondered if zombies exist. Because I certainly feel like one now. Maybe I was already dead inside anyway.

I turned up my stereo in my room as I got dressed. My stereo was always tuned to the radio station that I love. Unfortunately, the song that was playing was not something I would want to hear at this time. 'My Happy Ending' by Avril Lavigne. Urgh. Why were they even playing this song? Shouldn't they be playing the current hits? This song was so last season.

'You were all the things I thought I knew, and I thought we could be...'

That line was the culprit. I continued bawling my eyes out, reminded of my little fantasy.

I quickly changed the radio station channel. A sickening 'zzzzzp' went on and on. No reception. I screamed this time. Why was everything not going right?

I fell face down on my bed, sobbing into my pillow. I was such a failure. Why was everyone so mean to me? Would I even have a chance at-

Ring. Ring.

I was jolted out of my pathetic rants as I realized the phone was ringing. I really am not in the mood to pick up a call. I decided to let this one pass. After a while, the phone stopped ringing. Phew.

Ring. Ring.

God, this person was so annoying. I am technically supposed to be out. It couldn't be mom or dad. They know I will not be back till 9 or 10. It couldn't be Amber either, she party with her friends like there's no tomorrow. Anyway these people should have called my cell. The phone was still ringing after my little analysis. Who could that be?

Curiosity got the better of me and I decided to pick up. I picked up the receiver and ordered my hands to bring it to my ear.

"Hello?" I hoped that my greeting didn't sound like a croak, because it sounds like a croak to me.

"Hey. Are you alright?" Came a deep and sexy voice. It took me a minute to actually register whose voice that was and I croaked out his name.


"Yeah. Erm, I saw you huddled in a ball on your porch. I figured that you might be upset so I didn't go up to you. I'm just calling to check whether you're alright, that's all," he said in a sincere yet caring tone. I could picture him lifting his hands in surrender as he said the last line.

I know I should feel happy and lucky to have someone care about me, but I blurted the thing that was on my mind the whole time he was speaking.

"What are you, a stalker?" Okay that came out wrong. It wasn't suppose to sound mean. There was a pause on the line and I figured that I had been so ride to him. He was just trying to help.

"Hey, look, I'm sorry, that came out wrong. I am feeling so messed up now. I'm so sorry and thanks for your concern," I went on.

"Hah, it's alright. And to answer your question, no, I'm not your stalker as you put it. Did you forget that I just live in the house opposite of yours? I get a clear view of your house you know."

Realization shocked me. How could I forget that? Dakota and I go to school together in kindergarten. Our parents were friends. However, things change as we grew up. Nowadays, it's the usual 'hi' and 'bye' exchanges between our parents.

"Oh yeah. I guess I forgot that."

"Figures. Look, do you need me to come over for awhile, you know, if you need some company..." He trailed off.

Before I could fully process what he just said, the words came tumbling out of my mind.

"Yes, I'd love that." I clamped my hands to my mouth. Oh god.

"I'll be over in a jiffy." With that, he hung up. The familiar beep filled the line and I looked at the receiver, shell-shocked.

What have I just done?

I quickly put down the receiver and raced downstairs, positive of only one thing, despite my raging hormones.

I want to talk to Dakota Evans.


Author's Note:

There you go, you lovelies! Thank you for staying with me until here! :)

So how do you like this chapter? It's a little sad though, with Anna finding about Adam's horrible date instead of her.

What do you think about Dakota? Tell me through comments or inbox me!

Don't forget to vote of you like it!

Thanks again and have a lovely November :>

(I love Novembers!)

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