2. The Orphanage

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I wake up clammy with sweat, my hair stuck to my face, my eyes puffy and sensitive from the tears I shed in my sleep. The sun streaming down to burn my face and to welcome me into morning. As I stretch my arms I'm reminded of the events of last night, the fights, the death.

It still bothered me that he used to be human, that technically I was as much a murderer as he was. That he might even have a family who he still visited, that will miss him.

It doesn't bother me because I used to have a family that would miss me when I was late, that would worry when I cried, that would morn me when I die. But they were taken from me by the very monsters that took over my city, because of one stupid mistake on my behalf. I banish the thought from my mind as I shift my weight on to my shoulders and prepare to stand, anxiously listening out for any sudden sound that might warn me of someone coming my way.

But of course there wasn't, there never was. Few people ventured out during the day anymore and hardly anyone did at night.

Civilisation had essentially stopped, everyone could work from home now and have food delivered. To scared of the possibility that they'd be pick of the street at random and be made a blood 'donor'. Just another unwilling victim.

Shuddering at the thought of all the poor souls who are now resigned to that fate, I winch myself up careful not to put to much wait on to my soar arms.  It's true what they say vampires are as hard as diamonds and it's a major work out to push stakes into there hearts.

I bask in the light as I gingerly make my way out of my temporary accommodation, being careful to make it appear like I was never there, and head back down to the stream to wash away the remainders of last nights fears.

Ice cold water greets my face and meanders down my neck to settle in the folds of cloth at my neck, I finally take a look around to see if the war between the humans and vampires raged on last night and added anymore casualties to an already hefty list.

The answer was yes.

It was always yes.

The skeletons on humans lay in piles on the floor, the skin looking so shriveled that they appear to be centuries old, when in reality they can't be more than a few hours. Splatterings of blood with unsightly chunks display where the unlucky vampires took their last 'breath'.

But as normal, the human casualties far out weighed the vampires.

The ruins of the building's still seemed intact, if that was even possible, meaning i'd have somewhere to spend the day instead of going back to The Orphanage. A place as creepy as it sounds.

Before the take over any orphanage was a place for children who had no parents,abusive parents or just neglectful parents. So when my parents died that's where I wound up, and it was fine. I quickly created a personae of a quite aggressive child, but to soon my personae became my identity. I was snappy and argumentative, the social works would take me to activities that were supposed to channel my anger away from the other kids. But in the end all the kick boxing lessons and tae kwon do seemed like they were truly preparing me for the new world.

When the take over started the vampires needed instant blood that wouldn't be missed and almost stereotypically they started with the orphanages. But of course wiping out large groups of people didn't go unnoticed forever. When they finally arrived at my orphanage,  my refuge I resisted. I fought back, I tried to protect the children against the vampire swarms.  By the end of the night I was exhausted and had managed to protect 6 out of the 46 children who lived with me in the orphanage, although most of the ones I'd tried to save were about my age anyway and had been able to fight back a bit. We decided that we needed to fight back to create a strong hold, a centre of operations, somewhere we where safe.

The concept work, we stockpiled weapons and barracked the door and windows. The vampires didn't come back the following evening, they moved on looking for easier prey. But the news of our success traveled until we had people banging on the door wanting to join our 'resistance'.

Again to start of with it was fine, we grew from a quaint group of 7 to an army of 34, and the orphanage was big enough to house us all.

We felt powerful, that was until Lawrence Patrick showed up and created a new way to fight back, a new way that none of us wanted.

Lawrence Patrick was a 6 ft 2 bully, he was built like a tank with pale blue eyes and an aura that screamed don't mess with this, he made my life a living hell.

I pushed up onto my feet and stretched my arms above my head, the muscles in my back protested after a night on the shed floor.  As much as I wanted to laze about in the gentle heat, I knew there was shit to pay for being out all night, I knew Lawrence would make an example of me. Make me stay home tonight and make me looking like a 17 year old puppy.

The black jeans i'd donned last night made my legs feel baked in the low morning sun, my charcoal grey top was stained beyond saving, I dreaded to think what my hair must look like. But I was sure I looked like I'd come of the tale end of a fight.

As my legs began the familiar ascend up the narrow path to The Orphanage I allowed my self to reminisce about how the mansion sized cavalry base used to look. With the classic structure that made it appear far grander than it was and the bay windows that looked like something out of Austen, in fact with the private winding driveway the whole thing seemed like something straight out of Pride and Prejudice.

But now with the constant battles and numerous training sessions the classic structure looked more like a ruined mosaic and the beautiful bay windows had so much cardboard covering the holes in looked like they didn't exist. The mansion no longer belong in Pride and Prejudice, it belong in a nightmare. But that seemed oddly fitting, because that's where it was.

"Well it seems like it's harder to kill you than we first thought."

The voice by ear was a balance between mocking and anger.

"Sorry." I mumble the words, embarrassed that half the training groups are now looking are way.

"Pardon, I don't think we all heard that." Lawrence practical shouted, making me wince and long to cover my ears, but that would show weakness.

"I am sorry." I turn around before I say it, so I can try and look him in the eye.

He huffs. "Well have you ever heard the expression that 'Sorry isn't good enought'?" As he says it he grabs my shoulder and pulls me into the house to face my punishment.

Lawrance to the right >>>>>>>>

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