6. Bitter Sweet

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She is so supportive and always reads my work. So thank you :)


If the rest of the house looked medieval, the dungeon looked like it belonged in the dark ages. There was absolutely no light down here but that didn't matter anymore, I was now able to see perfectly.

However, I couldn't help but wish that I couldn't. If I was still human then I could have lived in blissful ignorance, I would never have had to see the dungeon.

Bodies were chained to the wall, naked, while others were kept in small cages, like animals.

It was disgusting, but the dried blood that coated the floor only made my throat burn more, my fangs to hurt and cause a growl to slip out of my throat as Caleb began to snigger.

"See I told you it wouldn't be that bad." He moves to stand behind me so that he can lean into me like a coach and whisper in my ear. "So which one do you want?"

Moaning, I looked around at all the different people. Short or tall, fat or thin, they were all here, I felt like a kid in a candy store, the thought didn't disturb me like it should, but increase my hunger to a new level as I began to wonder around touching their arms, their necks, their waists.

Some of them groaned in pleasure and moved towards my touch, again I felt the weird sensation of being cut off from myself, as if someone else was controlling me, I felt powerful, I caused this reaction in people, they wanted me and i wanted what they could give me.

It was sick. I tried to reason with myself, this wasn't me. I wasn't some blood sucking vampire. But I wasn't in control of my body, I couldn't stop my hands from touching the hard muscles or licking my lips in anticipation.

I'd never felt so helpless.

"You. I want you." I practically purr to a 5 ft 11 brunette that is chained to the wall, his muscles are strain as his hands are bound above his head, but he still tries to move towards me, to reveal in my touch, and all I can do is smile and stare at him.

"What do I do?" I rip my attention away from the gorgeous giant that stands in front of me, if he wasn't chained to the wall like a sacrifice I would have demanded that he was in magazines so that other people could witness his beauty. I tilt my head slightly to see Caleb standing just behind me, holding my shoulders as he once again leans into me.

"You bite."

It was like he'd given me permission, as if he'd switched an internal switch I didn't even know I had.

I was snug against his body as I brought my mouth to his neck, but only as my teeth sunk into the soft skin of his neck did I recognise what I was actually doing. That I was biting into the neck of a human, that it felt completely natural and that I didn't have the power to pull away, that i could possibly die of temptation if I didn't bite through the thin skin.

Our moans combined as I started to swallow more and more blood.

It was heaven, ambrosia, I'd never tasted something so pure and perfect before in my whole life, I was moaning greedily as I shifted myself against Mr Tall and Handsome so I could plunge my teeth further into his neck. His groan was muffled as he turned his face into my hair, his hips started to grind against me, as I sucked hard on his neck.

It was intoxicating, I couldn't stop, somewhere in the back of my mind I thought I heard someone clear their throat but I pushed it away as. All I could focus on was the need for blood, the need to consume as much as possible.

I felt powerful and it was sexy as hell, Mr Gorgeous kept moaning and pushing himself more fully against me. It was perfect.

"Ok, release." Arms wrapped around my midriff and pulled me back. I growled and tried to get back to Mr Tall and Handsome, but the strong arms that were wrapped around me wouldn't let me.

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