13. Don't Make Me Ask Twice

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This chapter is dedicated to PamHursey because her book Maid of Honor was amazing and I can't wait till she updates Prisoner of the Underworld again because it's fantastic. If you haven't already read her books, I strongly recommend them.


"So darling Athena, how do you like Zachary's little castle?" Sebastien asked, he held onto my elbow as we walked around the gardens, mockery clear in his voice.

If the inside looked Medieval then the outside looked liked it was Victorian, arched windows that were the size of doors, the bricks the colour of white sand, giving it an expensive edge. The gardens were beautiful, filled with night blooming flowers that perfumed the air deliciously, sprinkled with marble statues that wouldn't have been out of place in Rome. The lawn was expertly cared for, to the point that it looked like someone went round caring for it with scissors.

And considering it was Zachary's lawn, I probably wasn't far of.

It was strange that all the time I'd spent living in the city I'd never seen this place.

I couldn't help but notice that it was the polar opposite to The Orphanage, vibrant and happy. My heart twitched in longing for my cardboard box room, the thin sheets and fold-up chair.

The prospect of never seeing my best friend again, made my heart heavy and the food in my stomach churn.

I'd be pleasantly surprised when I sat down to breakfast and seen everyone eating, although eating was putting it kindly most of them were shoveling it down like animals starved to the point of death. Apart from Zachary who seemed withdrawn and lost in thought, and simply moved his food around on his plate like a child.

"Well I'm not sure about 'little', but it's lovely." The Austen style voice just flowed of my tough, it was hard not to laugh at how formal I sounded. As much as I detested my new life and all the 'perks' that have come with it, I still feel like I should make a good impression.

Sebastien laughed, "yes, I suppose it is overly grand." He steered us over towards a small marble bench that sat beside a Japanese water feature, the air was filled with the sound of water trickling down the stone feature and with Night Bloom Water Lilies and Night Gladiola. "Come." He positioned himself on one half of the bench and patted the small gap which was left. "Sit."

I perched right on the edge of the seat so that as much space as possible was placed between us, the marble felt almost warm to the touch, which was slightly unnerving.

If the sun had been shinning and I'd been holding a cup of tea I could have almost have pretended that I was in Pride and Prejudice, unfortunately for me my life was more like Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

"To be fair Athena I did have some ulterior motives when I asked you for our little chat." He'd turned his body so that it was obvious his whole attention was on me, his staring caused my arms to itch as his gaze moved leisurely over my body.

"You don't say." I mumbled quietly.

Apparently it wasn't quite enough, "Ha, I knew you were perceptive."


"So Athena." He reaches across and grabs my chin forcing me to look into his cold red eyes, "what can you tell me about Zachary?"

The shock of the question caused me to rip my face from his grasp, "what?!"

"I want to know what Zachary is up to?"

"I don't understand what you're asking me." Panicked I went to stand up, only to feel Sebastien's cold hand wrap around my wrist, turning me round to face him.

The sound of Sebastien's grinding teeth over powered the gentle rushing of water and chirping of crickets. "I've already asked once, don't make me ask twice!" He managed to spit out around his grotesquely large fangs.

My hand flew to my mouth, there's no way that my teeth look like that, the length of his teeth would have been comical if the rage in his eyes didn't make me feel like running and hiding under a rock.

The sob leaked from my mouth without permission as I tried to remember what it was he'd said. "I don't know that much about him, please let me go!" I desperately tried to remove my wrist from his iron grasp, but thanks to my fickle attempt it only allowed him to grab them both.

He stood up so that he could look down at me while his hands tighten painfully around my wrists, "I'm sorry my lady but you're going to have to do better than that."

My mind was busy flying through every conversation I'd ever had with Zachary, to say it didn't take more than a minute to recount our whole relationship was an understatement. "He's French, umm born in Paris, he uh doesn't like to be called 'Zacky'. Only Zachary or Zach."

I tried to make another futile attempt at removing my hands, but with all the effort I put into trying to remove my hands it only brought me body to body with Sebastien as he slowly started to twist my wrists.

"Don't be cute." A cry ripped through my lips as I felt one of the smaller bones in my wrist break. "I want to know what Zachary is up to, all alone in his big dark castle."

Tears were falling down my face as more screams left my mouth, Sebastien never once releasing my wrist. "Please." I sob. "I don't know anything."

I try desperately to let remove my hands, to use all the fighting skills that I'd gained while I'd been a recruit at The Orphanage.

But it's needless to say, nearly everything I'd learnt, every vampire I'd successfully killed, I'd relied on the element of surprise. It was needless to say that that was out of the question.

I could have kneed him in the balls if it hadn't have been for my stupid dress and kitten heels and the close proximity, I was useless, defenceless and in pain.

"Please." I manage to sob as he tightens his grip even further on my wrist.

He bends his head so that his hot breath fills my ear, causing my body to shake and tremble in fear of the unknown. "How can you stand there lying?" He spat in my ear, I tried to pull back in revulsion, but again it was useless. He only tighten his grip and pulled me snugly against his body.

I didn't even want to think about the hard length that was pressed against my stomach, it made me gag on my tears at the knowledge that some people get off on pain. "He's your mate. You know everything about him."

"No." I feebly try to shake my head as the immense pain blinds my sense, my eyes start to close as my body seeks a release from the pain. "I hardly know him."

"What?" Air kisses my body as the iron grip releases my wrists, bringing them up to my chest to protect them I can see the shock on Sebastien's face, the wonder in his eyes.

Leaving himself completely defenceless.

Without thinking I drew my knee up and slammed it into his groin, not wasting any time to see what happens, I run back in the direction of the castle back.

Back to my room.

Back to safety.

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