17. A Stranger In My Own Home

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Absolutely love her book The Alpha Seduced Me, the updates may take a while to come up but they are definitely worth it!!! Please keep up the amazing work.


Deju vu is a strange thing, it seems to consume you even when you're doing the littlest thing. For example shimmying down bed sheets, which you've knotted together yourself, at 1 o'clock in the morning.

I couldn't help but see the irony.

Last time I'd done something I shouldn't I slipped on a box, cut an artery and was turned into a vampire by my mate who holds some significant position in the vampire world.

I just hoped it wouldn't be as problematic this time.

It was weird, running across the perfectly manicured lawn with no one else around, I almost felt invisible. Thanks to my new vampire strength it felt like I was gliding over the dew soaked grass, visions of the failed date came flooding to my mind, possibilities of what might have been if he hadn't spoiled the moment by being so forward.

What kind of person leans across a table and demands to know if you're in love with them?

I didn't want to even think about an answer, it only made me feel sad and lonely.

It was strange to think that only a couple of weeks ago I slept in the day and thought nothing of it, I ran around staking vampires like it was some kind of sport, and then I would go home and boast about the number I managed to kill to my best friend.

The thought that in less than an hour I would be in his presence again caused a warm feeling to spread through my chest.

I didn't care that I would have to endure a lecture from the master himself.

Or that I would have to come up with some ingenious in which I managed to survive.

I just wanted to be home.

The Orphanage was just as I remembered it an Austen masterpiece stuck in the present day, it was nowhere near as grand as Zachary's Mansion, but to me it was everything. The over grown wild flowers that tangled in your legs as you walked up the over grown drive. The faded duck egg paint that was peeling off every wall. The shutters that were hanging onto their last screw.

This was home.

Before the vampires had announced their horrible existence to the world I'd always loved to read, from Austen to Rowling, from islands filled with treasure to Dracula arriving at Whitby, I would always have my head stuck in a book, I never used to understand some of the sayings, 'it's a blessing and a curse', how could something be good and bad? But now it's obvious, it's the perfect way to describe vampire hearing.

As I walked closer and closer to the house, crushing wild flowers under my feet, the smell of blood causing my throat to burn and my stomach to turn in disgust, I was able to pick up words, phrases, snippets of conversations, things I shouldn't hear.

"He's cruel. I mean he's always been cruel, but never as cruel as he's been the past few weeks! I think..."

"Ten! I got ten, in one night. Can you ..."

"...he thought the door was shut! But it wasn't and I..."

"...but now there's no where to hide since you pushed..."

My head started to pound, I had to grit my teeth to try and tune out all the conversations which were pouring through my head, it was as if someone had turned on a radio and had forgot to turn it off. I struggled to push myself forward into the mansion of a house, it was almost dawn so everyone was in their rooms leaving the halls deserted as I tried to locate the one person I wanted to see the most.

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