4. Porcelain Princess

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The night air was warm as I stepped out on to the street, the moon low in the sky signaling the beginning of another night. The streets were bare, hardly anyone venturing out of the protection of their homes once the moon has risen. However, they hardly need to threat, not many of the vampires raise so early.

I chuckle to myself as I walk alone down the crack stained sidewalk, noting the absence of all life, reminding myself that I am at the top of the food chain. Nothing lives in the cities anymore, it's not safe for them, only the resistance remain.

A soft curse floated along the breeze, almost inaudible, it was delicate but filled with panic. Thinking nothing of it I carried on; it wasn't until the sweet aroma of blood caught my attention that I stopped.

The 'fuck' that floated along with the wind was more insistent now, more panicked, it verged on hysteric. I couldn't stop the sigh that burst out of my throat as I swiftly changed direction and prepared myself to play knight in shining armour.

Following the sinfully sweet smell I found myself in an alley, completely deserted apart from the limp body that was lying none to gracefully on the floor. The closer I moved the sweeter the smell became, and soon I could hear the shallow breathing of the beautiful body. Inching closer, I could make out gorgeous noir hair framing dove white skin, this close her breathing sounded laboured and weak. I could understand why, right at the top of her leg near her Femoral Artery was a cut that oozed blood, staining the her khaki shorts.

Strangled sigh forces it's way out of my throat, the stunning porcelin princess lying on the floor fighting for her life was the most natural beautiful person I'd ever seen. It pained me to even begin to think of such beauty being taken from this world.

Bending down I tuck a few lose curls behind her ear, a small attempt to try and correct her appearance, however her beautiful unruly hair had other plans as it popped back out from it's hiding place. "Ah mon cher, what am I going to do with you?"

At my voice she seemed to stir, moaning, a soft exhale of air that ended on a harsh whimper. Cradling her head between my hands, I force her to look up to face me. "Shh, shh ma chérie. I can make the pain go away, do you understand?" Her eyes had only managed to flutter open for a brief second but it was enough for me to register the fear and loathing in her eyes.

Sighing internally, I smooth her hair away from her face and bring it closer to my own. "Truly mon amour I am sorry." Her eyes open but I am surprised to see a lack of loathing or fear in her eyes, it has been replaced with a look of forgiveness. I bring my lips down to her ear, " but I can't bare to lose you."

Pulling back I bite my wrist, the pain is instant and uncomfortable, but I put the thought behind me as I press my open wound to the deep cut that already contaminates her smooth skin. I can tell the instant my radiant angel begins to feel the process of the change taking her, her mouth clenches, veins stand up on her neck and she begins murmuring to herself as the pain takes her.

"Our Father, which art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom ....."

Her cherubs voice became lost in a scream, as time officially left her behind.

Picture of Zachary to the right, but without the red eyes >>>>>>>

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