15. Way To Ruin The Moment

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Dedication is because she gave a suggestion as to what they should do on their date, I really hope she likes it.


How had I gotten myself into this?

You'd have thought that there would have been some way out of it, a loophole, that would mean I didn't have to spend the rest of the 'day' with the man who ended my life but at the same time 'saved' my life and who happened to be my 'mate'.

I really wish there was a loophole.

But if there were one, I would have found it. And I wouldn't be sitting on my bed wearing a soft cotton emerald dress paired with dangerously high black stiletto heels and a diamante clutch. I'd never looked this perfect before in my life. When I was younger my mum used to enjoy dressing me up in princess dresses and twisting my hair into elaborate designs before letting me watch the Disney princess films and letting me imagine that I was as special and beautiful as them.

"Ready?" Although his voice was slightly muffled by the thick wood it was still obviously Zachary knocking on my door because no one else would come knocking for me.

"Yep." I pop the p as I jump up off the bed, this would be the first date I've ever been on and I couldn't help the excited energy that flowed through my body as I almost ran to the door.

"And aren't you a sight for soar eyes." Remarked Zachary as he ran his eyes up and down my body with a slight nod in approval, before his eyes settled back on my face. "You should dress like that more often."

"And you don't look to bad yourself." It seemed only fair to reward him with a compliment after he'd been so kind and helpful, even if technically he had ruined my life, but the compliment was well deserved. His hair was sleeked back in a superman fashion, making his all ready sculpted cheek bones seem even more defined, if that's even possible, his suit was similar to the ones he normal wore but I was sure that this one must have been grander.

"You know, I think that may have been the nicest thing you've ever said to me." If I could still blush I would have, I felt high on the thrill that came of the fact that this was my first ever date and it was with a very attractive man, even if said man had questionable motives.

I didn't know what to say so I just walked along beside him keeping up with the pace easily. He soon began to lead me through areas of the castle that I'd never seen before, bringing back the question of how big was this place? And how the hell had I never noticed it before?

At The Orphanage we thought it was our job to know everything about anything, this included knowing every owner of every house along with the set out of each and every house.

Thinking of The Orphanage caused my heart to clench in pain, did they know what had happened to me? Was Lawrence saying 'I told you so' over and over again to anyone who would listen? Had someone moved into my little A4 room? Did Jude miss me as much as I missed him?

As much as he could annoy me, I'd come to think of him as a brother, someone I could always rely on no matter what. He'd always had my back when I argued with Lawrence, even over the smallest things. He was my friend when civilisation started to crumble, and now I'd lost him.

"We're here." Zachary had stopped in front of a door that looked remarkably similar to my bedroom door.

"Um Zachary?"


"Are you sure we didn't just walk round in a circle, because this looks a lot like my bedroom?"

Zachary laughed, a sound that seemed to work it's way all the way up from his stomach, it was the most beautiful sound I'd ever heard and matched his smile perfectly. It was so extraordinarily perfect that I found myself leaning in to hear it better.

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