22. Remember

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I don't know how I didn't see it coming.

Hell, even if I'd seen it coming I don't know if I'd be able to prepare myself.

His lips were on mine within a second of me voicing my doubts, feather soft and yet the kiss held so many unspoken words and unvoiced feelings.

"You're not worthless!" His breath chilled my ear as he held me close. "You're my everything, the fact that you would even say such a thing mon chère shows that you have no idea what it means to be my mate, my beloved, my everything."

 I felt like a child and I was being let in on a secret, the words filled my chest with an unatural warm feeling.

"Thank you." I whispered as I kissed his forehead. "But you still need to drink."

I move my head so that my forehead rests on his blood soaked shirt and my neck lies in front of his mouth like an elegant banquet. But once again he shakes his head and moves away slightly but not before he places a soft kiss on the smooth flesh between my neck and my shoulder. "No."

"Zachary I want to help you." I insist as I again attempt to move closer.

He laughs as he pushes me back, before gathering me in for a hug. "God dammit women, let it be, you're not making this easy."

In this new world I felt as though I was lost.

Zachary was so confusing, he was always either hot or cold, never luke warm. I felt as though I'd walked into the three bears house and someone had already stolen the bed that was just right and left me with either too soft or too hard.

And the bed was always too hard.

I was stuck in a world with a too hard bed and I had no idea how to soften it up.

"If you just told me why?"

"Because if I drink you're blood then the amount of Jude's blood running through your veins will become even more minute so that our plan might not work."

This was all so confusing.

How could I sit around and talk about someone drinking my blood as though I was telling them that it was ok to ask me my favourite colour or even what the time was?

How had I managed to change so much in such a short period of time? I felt like I'd betrayed myself, as if I'd betrayed the family that were brutal murdered.

"I suppose you're right." I shuffle of his lap and make my way to the corner of the cell, desperate to block everything out and not deal with anymore problems.

My life would be so much easier without problems.

And for once I was thankful for the darkness which consumed me.

"Higher. Higher." The little girl on the swing set demanded, as her raven black curls swung round her face while squeals of delight escaped her mouth. "Come on Andrew, higher!"

The teenage boy that stood pushing the swing didn't appear to be having as much fun as the girl, with sweat slowly dripping from his brow, he look thoroughly exhausted. "Don't you think you've had enough now Annie?" The boy inquired as he slowed down the swing. "You don't want to make yourself sick, now do you?"

Annie stuck out her bottom lip in a pout as she turned around to stare daggers at Andrew, who looked pained to see such an annoyed expression on her face. "How about I go get you an ice-cream and you stay on the swing till I get back?"

The smile that broke out on the little girls face was contagious as Andrew slowly returned it and then  leaned down to kiss her on her forehead before leaving to get her an ice-cream.

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