9. Early Morning Interruptions

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"Come on, just because Zachary doesn't want to teach you today doesn't mean you don't have to learn."

"Leave me alone." My reply was muffled by my knees as I sat curled up in a corner, gazing at the ruined landscape through the crack in the pristine velvet drapes, I was shocked and horrified that from this vampire stronghold you could make out The Orphanage as clear as day.

"Why? So you can look at you knees some more?" The sound of moving fabric and the sudden breath on my forearm was the only indication of his presence. "What's on you mind Athena?"

"Leave. Me. Alone." I drop my whole head so that t's completely submerged in my knees.

"What are you trying to hide?" The sound of such pure curiosity and despair caused me to look up and straight into Caleb's crimson eyes.

"Caleb I-" The harsh sound of doors being thrown open and raised voice broke off my response.

"Where is he? Oh Zachary?"

"We know you're here."

"Athena, if I tell you to stay in here and be quite will you do it." Caleb's voice is barely louder than a whisper, but the absolute fear in his eyes makes me pay attention.

"Caleb, I-"

"You've got to do this Athena, if you have any sense of self preservation, you will do this." His hands held either side of my face, forcing me to focus on him.

"Caleb?" The voice was harsh and muffled through the solid stone walls.

"Coming." Caleb stood to his full height and gazed down at me, mouthing 'please'.

I had no chance to reply to him as he practically ran out the door .The sound of the door locking from the other side meant that there was no way I could follow him.

The idea that I was locked inside my room, with angry strangers shouting outside, put me on edge. The feeling of being trapped like an animal began to play through my mind, so much so that I didn't even realise I had started to pace the length of my room, hovering slightly every time I walked close to the door, in hopes that I might hear the conversation.

 "Gentleman." Even through the muffled door the voice was smooth and elegant, laced with a touch of class which only came from an accent, easily identifiable as Zachary. "What a pleasant surprise?"

 "Surprise?" As easily as it'd been to pick out the elegance in Zachary's voice, it was even easier to detect the patronising tone of this new speaker. "Surely you knew we'd be coming. Actually, I myself, am quite hurt that you didn't think to send out a formal invitation."

"I'm sorry, my friend, but I've not had the time, as you know time is precious and there isn't nearly enough of it." 'My friend' not mon ami, I hardly knew Zachary, it was clear that they had history, but even to me, it's obvious that the presence of this man is unwelcome.

"So where is she?"

'She' who could he be talking about? The day and a half that I've spent in this monstrosity of a castle I've only met Zachary, Caleb and Philip, no women, no one that deserved the title Lady of the Manor, I'd met no one.

Hell at a push I'd met Darren, the thought brought nausea to my stomach reminding me once again of the hideous crime against humanity that had occurred last night. That had sealed my fate as a monster. I instantly tried to push the feelings away so I could pay attention to the drama occurring.

"Are you hiding her?" The arrogant patronising tone turned mocking.


And the question was met with no response.

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