The Smoke

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I love the cold
but inhale the warmth
for my mind, the world, is cold as ice

I don't hate the smoke
but I am afraid
that this feeling won't suffice

To be loved, to enjoy such fulfillment and such cause
has left this world without me and the fondness of remorse

Tightened by the neck, I know i've suffered,
that in heaven or in hell, be delivered, the love I received

Forgotten, I've let go, I've severed
oh I must not have acknowledged the fortune, the goodness in the breeze

"Take care my love", I'd say, "I will be joining soon"
it is my only thought, only wish, every morning night and noon

I hope to see your happiness your smile in every season
to hear you say you're lost without me, for your love was my only reason

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