I Did Everything

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You told me to change
Said I wasn't enough
You needed someone
to make you proud

You told me to be someone
I wasn't
Indirectly urged me to lose myself
So I did

Now you're asking me why
I'm not the same
Claiming it's not how I was
supposed to be

Now you're asking me why
I have changed
Tell me, what am I
supposed to do?

I listened to your words
with no choice
Did all you asked
Believing all was for the best
Believing your every lie

I did everything you wanted
Tried my best to meet your standards
Striving to be that child
who'd make you proud

But it seems as though I've failed
As if all I did is in vain
Because you're still not satisfied
But I lost myself in the trying
Tell me, what am I
supposed to do now?

I did everything
Didn't play with other kids
Tried my best to avoid foolishness
Worked to be someone
I wasn't

I did my best to meet your standards
To live your dreams
To live as you wanted
Thinking of you as family
You were the only one for me

Now I don't know
what I'm supposed to be
I don't even recognize

You told me, so I did
But you're still not satisfied
Now I don't know why I even tried

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