Ch-4 He was never like this....

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[Jai's POV]

I have several questions....
1)Why are we in economics major building again?
2)Why Karthik is dressed up today with properly gelled hair?
3)Why does it seems that he is looking for someone?

It could be possible right?I like someone so it is possibly he likes someone else too. Everyone have crushes these days.....Karthik must do too,right? But who can it be? That girl....she was pretty. They would look perfect together... Karthik would marry a girl too. A girl....right?

I am saying this to comfort myself but we cannot say it just now,it is not confirmed. If it is true then Karthik would tell me soon,I hope he doesn't so I can live in my bubble. Even if he tells,I don't think it would affect me that much,like in the movies. I would be sad and disappointed but it could soon pass,I'm sure.

I'm being dragged along with him,not that I mind. At least I'm able to spend time with him,that is enough for me.

Even though I was hesitant I still ask, "Karthik,why are we here? And that too early in the morning." Same time as yesterday....when they collided. " Our class wouldn't start in half an hour," I think I know why..I just don't want to believe in it. Maybe I'm right though I hope I'm not.

"Just because,I'm trying to find someone. That girl from yesterday...I think I have a crush on her." The world fell silent upon the words. The classes near me vanished and I was surrounded by meadow,all alone with oak trees around me,the earth trembles and the plate breaks and I get sucked inside the earth. I wish that had happened,because I cannot believe is not painful,just numb. And I could on,y manage out an "Ok" before I fell silent.

I was right and I hate that...I wish I wasn't.

A sudden forms on his face and I know we found her,brown hair,pretty face and the autumn vibes she gives. So this is Karthik's ideal different from me. I knew one day this would happen but I didn't expected it to come this soon....

"She is so pretty,right?" His voice is soft as he looks at me,so from now on I will hear this for voice whenever he talks about her. I need to get used to this soon.

"Yes....very pretty. Your choice is great." Just like you.

My alarm rings and we go to our class. I couldn't study properly the whole day,I couldn't even form sentences. I was hesitant the whole day and anxious too,I don't know why.

Our day has came to an end and now we are returning to the parking lot,same area where we hugged and I fell...same spot where my heart raced,and now from the same spot I'm seeing Karthik fell for someone else who is not me ( I never expected him to,but it is hard to believe and it...hurts?),she is talking to my sister and laughing and Karthik has a spot smile on his face. It is nice....I feel empty. The cold runs over me and my hair floats on it,and I'm feel cold not because of the air,but because the warmth in Karthik's aura is because he likes someone which makes me shiver.

I cannot bear to watch it any longer, I want to leave,right now.

"Karthik,I have to go. I have some work at home. Bye." And he doesn't even glance at me, just a whisper-like bye. I waved a bye knowing he isn't even looking at me. He was never like this...


I amI broke down into tears as soon as I entered my room. It hurts so bad I can't even explain,I form sentences,I'm having hard to communicate,I cannot even comprehend all this.

I hate this,I hate everything which is surrounding me. I hate everyone right now. I don't want to talk to anyone,I want to be happy. I don't wanna cry.

But I can't help it.

I was supposed to be happy this summer,I promised myself I would,and I am not.


I hurts a lot,the tears wouldn't stop flowing and I don't even feel like living and experience all this. I want to sleep....

And that day Jai slept for 10 hours continuously without having dinner. His mom was worried but she let him sleep as she thought he was tired.


Thank you for reading:).

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