Chapter 21 - Reality strucks

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[Karthik's PoV]

It was a dream, everything I said, everything I did..the kiss, the kiss was also a dream. God, I'm so angry. Jai looked so beautiful, but it was a dream too. Jai is now in my goddam dreams too.

But I did wake up with him in my arms. He looks so perfect in this position, sleeping as soundly as possible. Oh god. I love him so fucking much that now I cannot even stare at his eyes.

I had the best sleep ever, with my arms wrapped around his body and my face buried in his neck. But I didn't want to make him uncomfortable, so I removed my hands carefully so I don't disturb his sleep. I don't think he knows ( or is this just a lie I'm telling myself? )

I silently stood up and strode towards the bathroom. I hope I didn't wake him up. I stood under the shower as cold water poured down on me.

God, I hate it so fucking much. Why it had to be a dream? I want to confess already, I want to hold Jai in my arms again and tell him how much I love him, but I don't want to risk our friendship either. It means so much to me, and, I don't want to lose him. But I know my feelings aren't going anywhere. I will always love him, whether as a friend, a family or as something more I dream of.

I want Jai to be mine, I want him to want me to. I want him to kiss me like he owns me, and do anything he wants to me. I want to be his.

I want to spend my whole day with him, every second looking at him, now I even dream of him so that's possible. I want him to look at me with those brown-coloured eyes, I want him to stare at me without blinking like I do.

I wish every day for that Akash guy to go away, I want him to myself every day but it isn't possible because of that fucker. I fucking hate him, no, I loathe him, period.

God..I want to kiss Jai, I want to devour him while he begs for more, while he screams my name as loudly as he can, my room is soundproof after all. I want him to take control of me. I want hi-

"Karthik?" Jai knocks the door breaking my thought. God...what was I even thinking? I want to drown in this small puddle of water. He is my best friend and I don't even know if he likes me. When did I become this shameless for god's sake?

" How long will it take you to come out?" He asks and I stare down at my hardness. Um..what should I do about this???

I turn off the shower and answer, "Yeah, I'm coming in a minute!" I answered.

God, I'm so frustrated...I don't know why but I am.

After waiting a few minutes for it to soften. I got out of the shower after putting on my boxers and sweatpants.

"What?" I ask, looking at the wide-eyed Jai looking at me.

"Where is your shirt?" He looks away when he realises that he is staring too long, long enough for me to feed it into the growing delusions.

"Oh..that? I left it outside, I will wear it after my hair is dry. I don't my hair to get wet, you know." Excuse, just an excuse. I don't know why I'm doing this. Maybe just to make Jai fall for me. But I don't care. I love Jai's reaction, red ears and face. He is shy, cute. Exactly what I wanted.

I feel so pathetic but I just wanted to get a reaction out of him. Probably to make myself feel better just because I was frustrated with myself and fucking hormones.

"Are you going to take a shower now?" I ask as I dry my damp hair with a towel.

"Nope, I have to go now. Aarav just called and told me that we have to go somewhere so I will take a shower once I reach home." ... That little idiot...he couldn't wait for an hour? I seriously hate him.

But I cannot stop Jai either. He is his own person and capable of making decisions of his own. "Oh okay. Let's go, I will drop you off." I will just adjust with Jai sitting behind me and a few inches setting our bodies apart.


That sly fox...I hate how Jai is smiling with that guy as he waves 'bye' to me. As if we didn't do anything in the morning, even if it was just a hug. I don't know about Jai but the way he was in my arms, is what I will dream for the rest of my life.


I know I'm late again! My exams are starting soon so I gotta study:)
Thank you for reading!!
I appreciate it <333
Follow me on Instagram: Sam_som_sim03

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