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[Jai's PoV]

Another day has came,Karthik is here again. Probably bored because of the vacation. Right now,we are sitting and eating Maggi. This guy was begging me to make some and in the end I had gave in. He always win in these stuffs and he knows. He smirks at me when I look at him.

"Take that smirk off of your face." I glare at him.

"Nope." He mocks.

We stare at each other for a few minutes,a silent war going on. And then I break the eye contact and focus on my food,staring at it like it's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and trying to control my breathes. And when I look up,it seems like Karthik is.....blushing? His cheeks are red? I honestly have no idea,but it is probably because he is thinking of her.

Few minutes passed and his food is finished. He stands up and place the dish into the sink. My brain has started to become nauseous again,maybe it is because I'm unable to eat often,and Karthik is not the reason. Not the whole reason,I mean.My life has been so hectic (college and what not)these days and often I don't eat and my anxiety is coming back. Seasonal depression is the worst thing. And I have to keep up with my own expectations and because of that sometimes I fall asleep without eating. I'm so clustered with all these exams and stuff that nowadays I cannot even explain myself without ruining my grammar. I'm basically yapping at this point.

I stood up to place my dishes in the sink,that's when my mind started to become more dizzy and started to spin. And I fell down....and I could only hear Karthik's sudden yelp before everything went black....


I feel so weak,my head is still spinning and have no urge to move at all. I open my eyes and look towards my right. Karthik is sleeping on the chair with his head hanging down. His neck would hurt later. I try to sit so I can recline his neck against the wall but my slightest move caused him to wake up.

"Oh." He rubs his eyes. "You are awake." He tries to help me sit against the headrest.

"Do you need water?"I nod,still staring at him. "Wait,I will get some." His voice raspy and sleepy.

He quickly pours some water into the glass from the jar for me and hands it to me. "You should have slept in the mattress instead of the chair,you know." I sip.

He gives me a lazy nod, "I will later,but first tell me how you feel?" I handed the half drank glass to him.

"I just feel weak and a bit dizzy."

"Okay." He gives me a lazy smile,his hair is a mess. Cute.. I blush as his palm made a contact with my head.

"What..are you doing?" My voice crack,trying to hide the fact that I'm blushing hard right now. I can barely even hide my smile.

"Checking your temperature. You don't have any fever,thank god." He reclines against his chair,his legs spread apart. That's one of the hottest thing a man can do and this motherfucker..I look away to hide my blush and I see 3:03 am flashing in the clock. It was 10 am when we were having breakfast so that means I have been passed out for....17-17hours!? I am probably reeking of sweat because of the medicines. I need to take a shower! I hate being unhygienic.

"Hey,I feel sweaty so I will take a shower." I tell him as I try to get out of bed.

"Take warm shower,ok? It is cold outside and call me if you need anything. I will come ASAP." I nodded and walked towards the bathroom. I fell into my knees as soon as I closed the door. It feels nice to have Karthik worrying for me. Omg! I'm going crazy. Butterflies explode in my stomach,it's probably a zoo inside there. I know I am probably looking a tomato and I feel like screaming. The eye contact,the touch and him worrying for me,everything is feeding into the subconscious delusion. I wish I could stop it before it was too late,but...this feels too nice to stop. I love the butterflies and everything. It feels like whatever I ever dreamt of would come true,but I know it won't. But still,as I previously said,it feels too nice to stop. I will be happy till it gets sad again,so let me enjoy myself.

The warm water pours down my body as I wash away the shampoo. I love its cinnamon and honeysuckle smell. It has the same smell as my body wash and they're my favourite products. I get out of the shower and quickly dry myself before wearing a white tee and some shorts,I cannot sleep in sweatpants even if it is winter. My hairs are still wet,not dripping wet as I dried them with towel but I have to blow dry them so I don't catch cold,and the dryer is outside the bathroom.

I step outside and close the door before looking back at Karthik who was already staring at me,like a deer caught in the headlights. His cheeks flushed and mouth parted. "You ok?" I ask him,worried. Is he sick now? He quickly looks away and focuses back on arranging his mattress like it is the most interesting chore ever. "Yeah." He clears his throat. "I'm fine."

I walked toward my mirror and plugged in the hair dryer into the socket. I could feel someone staring at my back,but I ended up ignoring that and quickly drying my hairs. Karthik was lying down eyes closed about the time I was done. So I switched off the lights and laid down on my bed. It was 4:00 am now.

"You must take care of yourself more,ok?" He said,which felt more like he was requesting. "What's the reason,Jai? Why did you fainted?" He asked,staring at the ceiling.

"I don't know,but whenever winter comes I become more anxious than ever before and I lose interest from everything. I also have been pressuring myself to do better in academics because I feel like I'm not doing well. I don't know why,but I just do. Often,I study till late night and fall asleep without eating. I have lost a lot of weight because of that and my immunity has decreased before of it too. For the past few days,my mental health has been worse than before and I accidentally slept one night without eating and ever since then I have been feeling nauseous. I think I had gotten better but then two days later,I fainted and here we are..."The room felt quieter,maybe it was mind which has calmed down but it feels nice to share yourself. Did he fell asleep? I turn to my side to check on him and suddenly I bump my head with him.

"What are you doing?" I ask him,he is so closer to me. Too close...We are just inches apart. Just few inches...

"I was sitting up to hug you. I thought you needed one and that's when you..suddenly turned." He answered slowly and softly,as he was being careful with me. He was being careful..

"It's ok." I give him a smile.

"So,can I give you hug." He asked. Always..

"Sure.." Is this really winter or just the meds? Because this room feels too hot.

He instantly wraps his arms around me,and I lean against him. Seeking comfort and warmth,which he obviously gave. He always does... "Please take care of yourself for me." I nodded in reply and he patted my back as a reply that he believes me and he knows I will care of myself.

After few minutes,he unwraps his arm from my body and I hate the sudden loss of heat. He smiles and says, "Doctor said you needed rest,so time to sleep." He helped me lay down and covered me with the comforter. We said each other good night and this night was like a fever dream,I will never forget it.

And the words,for me, repeated in my mind for the rest of the night,even in my dreams.


I was looking at Karthik who was folding his comforter when my mother came in and said, "Jai,your other bestfriend is coming here today."


Who is this bestfriend? Are they a villain or someone who will create a bigger havoc in their life?


Hello! This was probably the biggest chapter I have written.
1476 words,damn...
Hope you enjoy the chapter!
Thank you for reading <33.

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