Chapter 24 - Love [M]

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[Jai's PoV]

I cum all over our stomachs as my boyfriend keeps on thrusting over my sensitive high. I moan when he sucks my swollen bud while playing and twisting the other one, "I cannot get enough of you," he moans in my ear then bites the lobe as he cums down inside me.

Karthik removes the condom and knots it before throwing it away in the bin, "am I that stunning, hmm?" he teases "Or do you love it more?"

"I love" I grip the tip of his length, "it" kiss "more."

He laughs against my lip, "You sure do." He taunts as he bites my already marked neck again.

I giggle, "I love you so fucking much," wrapping my arms around his neck.

He pauses, "What did you say?"

"I don't kn-"

"-Liar," he bites my bottom lip.

I whisper as I long for more of his trace, "I love much."

His eyes look at me with pure devotion and adoration as his lips stench into a real smile, "God. I love you so bloody much too." he whisper-yell.

Tears left my eyes, and my eyes burned while I buried my face deep into his bare chest. His worried-coated voice intertwined with my silent sobs, "Jai, what happened?" he cupped my face and kissed my teary eye.

"You said you love me, I never believed this would happen one day." I sob, "I love you so damn much it makes my heart hurts." I wrap my arms and legs around him while staring at his long lashes, careful eyes and  well-sculptured face.

"Neither did I." He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer, "But here we are and that's what matters."

I nod my head and he picks up me and then takes me to the bathroom while making sure my head doesn't hit the bathroom door.

Cold water rains from above but he still refuses to put me down whilst dragging his teeth across my neck and leaving marks behind, he licks my nipple as his finger pinches and twists the other, and he bites it leaving behind a swollen redbud. While biting and sucking my skin, he managed to forage his way to my crack and sink his thick long fingers inside me, making me a moaning mess.

I bite my lips in order to avoid another embarrassing noise but it doesn't last long as he buries his dick deep inside. I tremble and dig my nails on his back for support while I moan and plead for more, satisfied tears leaving my eyes as my dicks palpitate.

He pushes it inside of me again and hits the sensitive spot, I shudder and he plants his hand on either side of my hips for balance. A satisfied grin spreads across Karthik's face while he breathes laboriously observing me carefully.

Tension builds inside me and I feel myself reaching my climax, I entangle my arms over his long, broad shoulders as I cum down. Karthik's groans and moans grow louder as his length thrones inside me and soon cums after me, I bite his shoulder in order to pass the overwhelming feelings and satisfaction. I can feel as if my heart is beating in my abdominal cavity as he pulls me closer and cleans his dripping cum from my arse, I moan and whimper as he whispers, "You like it that much, you dirty boy?"

"Yes," I groan and he continues cleaning me with a satisfied ego.

I protest when he pulls apart from our touch and tries to wash my hair, but somehow I end up giving in. He washed my hair and then my body with so much love and softness, I did the same too before we stepped out with towels wrapped around our waists and brushed our teeth.

We slipped into our boxers and shorts before lying down in our cleaned bed, I embraced him and told him, "Good morning," with a smile on my face as we drifted off to sleep after awesome morning sex.


The clock shined 11:05 am in bold red characters and informed me. I removed Karthik's hand from my waist trying not to wake him up and sat on the edge of the bed while scrolling through my phone. He shifts behind me in his sleep and I feel the mattress pressing down as he sits and places his legs on either side of me while warping his hands around my waist and pressing his chest against my back.

"Good morning, Jaan," he presses his lips against my cheek and I squint my eyes and chuckle.

"Good morning, K."

He rests his chin on my shoulder as he looks at me scrolling through the phone, laughing at the meme I show him and kissing my cheek out of nowhere.

"K, look the famous actress Yashi Celestia Rathore is in a big scandal," I pass him my phone.

"I don't believe it," he says while looking at it.

"Me either."

We spent another half an hour chit-chatting and laughing until a knock was heard at the door and his mom called us for brunch.

"What should I wear? My tee is dirty and I cannot go shirtless downstairs in front of Uncle and Aunty," I asked.

"You can wear mine," he replied as he passed me a black plain tee, it looked baggy and oversized on me.

He mocked, "You look so much shorter in my tee and shorts, but yet so hot," he pulled me closer.

"Not my fault, your tee and shorts are slightly larger than my size, and that causes me to look shorter," I pout.

I peck his lips, "Let's go downstairs. They're waiting for us."

We went downstairs and sat in front of his parents, today I felt shy just as I did when I came here for the first time. I realized after we came here that our hair was a mess and our cheeks red.

I can't help but notice his parents seeking glances and whispering while staring at us. It was uncle who decided to break the awkward silence first, "I guess you guys have made up now."

"Yup," Karthink winked at his parents and I looked at the Sharma family dumbfounded.


"I had fun today," Karthik rubbed the back of his neck as he dropped me home.

"Really!? I'm glad," I smiled. "I was scared you didn't have fun fucking me."

"Yup," we laughed.


Thank you for reading!! It means a lot.
I'm sorry if it is badly written with cringe stuff, I'm working on my writing.
It's my first novel after all.
My IG - sam_som_sim03
Byeee, Tysm for reading once again :))
1084 words.

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