Chapter 20 - I'm in love

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[Karthik's PoV]

I'm in love with Jai, my best friend of countless years. We bonded very easily when we were younger but we had no idea this was where we would end up. I'm not gay though, if there is no Jai then there is no other boy. Jai is my special one and there is no one other than him.

He looks so pretty every day, and the way he carries himself with confidence, I love his smug face every time he wins a bet, the way he looks in bright colours and the way he is always so radiating. He is literally the sunshine in my life. He was the one who brought confidence in the 8th-grade Karthik. I cannot even imagine what I would've become if he wasn't there.

We grew up together, and we became what we are because of each other, he made me realize my full potential and I cannot think of a life where he is not beside me, whether as a friend or lover...

"What are you thinking?" What the - oh it is Jai...I look up and down he is looking so good... I wanna kiss him so badly, I'm going insane...

"Nothing." I smile, and my eyes follow his every movement. I want to hold his hands as he places them next to me. I never noticed it, but his hands are so hot. The veins popped out and only faint lines of hairs over them.

"Stop daydreaming, the lecture is going to start soon," Jai says as he stares upfront. I love it when he cares about me, I wish he always does,

I look to the front where the professor is saying something but all my focus goes to the man sitting beside me.


"I am sleepy after all the classes today." Jai sighs. "I want to have chai, let's go." He declared and started pacing toward the tapri. He is so cute. I smile at his action.

"Wait for me!" I run after him.

I sit on the bench, next to him as we are served chai. Chai is the best and that's a fact.

Jai blows the hot chai, waiting for it to cool down. Jai cannot drink hot chai even if his life depends on it. He somehow always manages to burn his tongue.

After finishing the drink, I place the empty glass next to me as I wait for Jai to start drinking it. He only drinks chai outside when he is free as I have told you before he cannot drink hot chai and has to wait for it to cool down.

"I'm done," Jai states and tells me to pass my glass to him. He holds the glass but instead of letting it go, I place my thumb over his face, his breath hitches and I can feel him warm beneath my touch. Redness coats his cheek and his eyes glimmer with something unknown.

"What are you doing?" I wanna kiss him.

"There was a lash under our eye, I was removing it." I lie through my teeth.

"Ohh.. it's ok." He sounds...disappointed?

He takes my glass away and pays the guy before asking me to stand up.

"You are going home now?" I ask, I don't want to let him go just yet,

"I don't you want to hang out?" He looks at me, waiting for an answer. He is trying to read me, cute...

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