Chapter 19- Friendly feelings

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[Karthik's PoV]

Do I like jai? Or this is just a friendly feeling? I have no idea. And I don't understand it either.

"Hey!" Jai chirps as Sameer peaks behind him.

"Hello," Sameer says with a blank expression.

"Hello," I reply. Jai is looking extra beautiful today. He is wearing beige colour sweater with black trousers. Jai in light colour clothes hits differently. Light colours are his colours.

Sameer wraps his hand around Jai's shoulder as he speaks, "Hey, we are going to lecture. Wanna come?"

"Sure," I replied, ignoring the fact that I wanted to rip those hands out.


I see Jai laughing with Sameer on some topic as I watch him from the corners of my eyes. I want to join the conservation too. At least then I can know how to make Jai laugh more. I wish I was Sameer, he gets to have all of Jai's laughs and smiles.

I have no idea about anything yet.


"You don't know? What do you mean by that?" Sakshi speaks, she is pissed off with my words.

"That means he is a dumbass." Aisha's voice reaches from behind.

"Ok.." She sighs. "So let me ask you a question and then you will get your answer."

I nod.

"Would you like it if Jai's first kiss is someone else?" I hate the thought.

"What if Jai gets married to someone else?" Fuck no.

The question tightened my jaw. She definitely knows how to put me on fucking edge.

"What would be your reaction?"

"I will fucking despise it." Tension coats my voice as I can feel the dark thoughts creep around me. Jai is fucking mine, and that, that is a fucking fact.

She smiles, "Then you have your answer."

"I knew it! I was right I told you!" Aisha celebrates from behind the camera.


Karthik has no idea what's waiting from him. Maybe they will fell in love and get their happy ending. Maybe they will won't and would get their friendship ruined.


I know I told y'all that I would present yesterday or the day before it. But I was busy (and feeling lazy...)
I'm sorry. But nevertheless,here is new chapter.
I hope y'all like it. I have no idea how this chapter went.
Thank you for reading:)).

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