Chapter 30 - To love your best friend

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[Jai's PoV]
3 years later

I shuffle around the bed while a heavier body brings me closer to him, he snuggles into my neck while his breath fans over me. 3 years have passed but his proximity still gives me goosebumps, and his kisses still unleash the butterflies in my stomach. It has been 2 years since we graduated and we have already got a job and shifted into the house we bought. Love always isn't full of sunshine and roses, we both have disagreements and fights, but in the end, one kiss and compromise resolves everything. Living alone with someone isn't easy but when it is someone you love, it isn't that hard. We have been best friends for years and lovers for 3 and a half years, we know almost everything about each other and learn something new every day, when you are willing to love then you must be willing to learn too.

"Good morning, Jaan," he whispered in his morning deep voice, tightening his arm around me. "Good morning," I replied as I turned around, his eyes met mine and his smile copied me, love glimmered in his eyes while I stared at him with admiration. A lot has changed in the past years, I'm not the insecure boy anymore, and he is not as dense as he was earlier and if I'm being honest, I am not as dense as before too.

"It's the weekend, wanna go somewhere today?" he said while playing with my fingers.

"To where?"

"It's a surprise," he kissed my forehead.

"Sure," I replied.

The rest of the day went by in bliss, we woke up and showered together since my man cannot keep his hands to himself, got ready, had lunch, and gave him a blowjob since his man also cannot keep his hands to himself. It is 5 o'clock at dusk and we are driving to our destination, the hills surround us while he holds my hand over my gear, the endless highway greets us and the unusual quiet Karthik focuses on it. We haven't talked the whole 2-hour drive, the sun is settling and he is changing direction to stop at the parking next to a staircase leading to the top of a hill, he gets out and opens the door for me, he holds my hand as I get out and we climb the stairs to reach the top, orange colour spreads across the sky and purple splashed across the horizon, full moon rises opposite to the dying sun, a wooden old bench sits on the soft peak with tall, greenish tree surrounding it.

The sun is slowly hiding behind small peaks and hills while stars are swimming around, they're shining, they're twinkling, they're falling and they're memorizing me into falling for them.

"Jai," Karthik calls out from behind, I slowly turn, removing my focus from the stars to my man behind me.

Behind me, I find Karthik, sitting on his knee holding a velvet box with a ring in it, the diamond reflecting the moonlight. He looks at me with love and anticipation, fear and anxiety. "Will you marry me?" he asks. The wind blows on my face as I fight my tears, I stick to the ground, taking at the moment as slowly as possible, he proposed to me...

He. Fucking. Proposed. Me.

He actually did....


My eyes started to melt and I ran into him, falling into his arms and rolling in the dirt. Looping my arms tightly around his neck, "Yes!" I sob and he pulls me closer, wrapping his arm around my waist, ruffling my hair with his other hand.

I used to wonder if falling in love with my best friend is the right choice, it is, it is the best fucking choice.

He slides the ring on my finger, and it fits perfectly. It is made for me, so he is. The clear round-cut diamond ring sits perfectly on my finger, it is a small diamond but it feels perfect, I'm engaged now....

Oh my god, he is my fiancè.

We lock eyes with each other and he kisses me softly, so slowly I feel like I'm in heaven on Earth, he is no better than my salvation, he is my salvation.

God, To love your best friend is the best feeling in the world.


Just like K is next to J in the alphabet series, Karthik will always stay next to Jai. To love your best friend is either the best or worst decision, but for Jai and Karthik, it's the best mistake they ever made.


...The End ...

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