Chapter 27 - Brat [M]

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[Jai's PoV]

I chuckle, "You horny bastard," I bite my lower lip while his laugh vibrates against my veiny neck. "Our parents are going to be worried," I remind him as I struggle to take off his clothes.

"I have already told them," his lips trail against the symmetry of my chest to my stomach to my inner thigh to my knee. He looks at me for a second before grabbing my legs and putting them on his shoulder, as he swallows my yelp down.

"The only thing you have done right," I smirk against his lips as his hands yank my button-down away.

"Wrong, I have done you too," he grins proudly at his cheeky line.

"Ew," I cringe and he laughs as he slowly takes off his belt. Hot.

He stands on his knees with messed up hair with strands poking out left and right, half naked with belt open and ready to be thrown away and bulge straining against the pant looking at me with heavy-lidded eyes and swollen lips. I am proud of what I have done to him, the way his neck is highlighted with the marks I gave and his shoulder is blushing with my bite mark, still looking prominent as the night I gave him. He loves them, of course, I know, he told me loud and proud.

"Come here," he ordered and who am I to deny? "Unbutton my pants then take off yours too," he let out.

Slowly, I unbuttoned his pants with his gaze piercing me, I pulled them down along with his boxers as his excited boner greeted me. "Someone is excited," I mocked. "You are the one talking," he shot me a bow and I have to agree, I am just as excited.

I unbuttoned my pants and took my precious time to remove them, teasing Karthik in the process. He patiently lets me have my way but pushes me against the bed once I am fully exposed. "You are having fun, I see," he smirked, "but I cannot wait further, baby," he breathed out.

I kissed his cheek, "Then don't," and he didn't.

He thrust his finger into me as my moans filled the hotel room. He kept on pulling them in and slamming them back in until I was a panting mess and pre-cum covered our abdomen. He massaged my rim as his fingers felt the inside of my ass, with every muscle being touched. "You like it that much?" he groaned while I nodded, unable to form words and sentences, I can not even think, god...I can hardly even breathe. With another thrust, he hit my spot without any notice and I came just as suddenly. I chased my high while he lifted my ass up high, my skin became flushed when I felt something against my rim, "what-are you doing?" I covered my mouth from letting any embarrassing sound escape while I protested. I arched my back when he licked there and swallowed my cum like it is the most delicious thing he has ever tasted.

This is so embarrassing, yet I did nothing to stop it, perhaps I don't want to. Nothing wrong with swallowing your pride once or twice, just the way he is doing. One of his hands grips my hip while the other supports my leg as he licks and drinks me up. "You like this?" he asked.

"Fuck yes," I moaned and he went from my ass to my dick, sucking it hard and teasing my release, I turn into a mess while I struggle to respire. He continues as I feel my insides tightening and my mind stirring, "Karthik-gosh I am coming," I whimpered.

But he didn't stop, he kept sucking and teasing me as he intended and I came into his mouth and again, he drank it and my pride up with smug written on his face. I panted heavily while he showered me with kisses, "You knew what you were doing in the Ferris wheel," he reminded me, "Of course I did," I replied.

"You little brat," he laughed as he hovered over me.

His laughs are so hot.

We look at each other for some time before I flip him over and straddle him, positioning his length at my entrance. He stares at me with awe as he lies back, 'Do whatever u want' his eyes suggest. His head rests on his arms as he stares at my naked form while I finally gain the confidence to show him the whole me. I grunt as I take him in, my ass stretching away and my neck arched. He groans and holds my waist in place as I take my time. My body feels full as I slowly relax with him inside me. He just stares at me without saying anything, patiently letting me have my way.

I pull my legs apart, granting him access to take in my whole figure. I start to move slowly while I whimper, I enjoy my short confidence period as my body relaxes before I go faster. I move faster as pre-cum flows out. Karthik lies down in my mercy with his eyes covered with his, groans and moans leaving his mouth with a chant of my name . "Jai, baby, what got into you suddenly? He whimpered, while I went faster, moaning as his dick slam against my spot. "I don't know, maybe your spirit," I grin while I feel like coming soon.

We both cum at the same time with my load on our stomachs and his inside the condom. He pants and leaves kisses on my wrist as I blush, trying my best not to process what just happened, for if I did I would die of embarrassment in his arms. I pull out while my back gives up on me, he helps me lay down and cleans both of us, showering my body with pecks and kisses and I do the same, he smiles at me and covers us up while I shove my face into his chest, "I love you," I murmur.

"I love you too, Jaan," he kissed the top of my head and I snuggled into his bare chest.


A sudden wave of confidence hits harder than you think, in the end, we all regret what we did during that wave.


1063 words
God..what did I just wrote!!??
I will definitely regret and cringe while reading this once I grow older.
Don't mind me but ew, wth I just wrote
Nvm, tysm for reading:))
It means a lot <33
Btw, it is 1:59 am rn I started writing this at 12:30 am smthng lol
Byeeeeee *waves*

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