Chapter 4

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As Karlie makes her way through the stadium to find Tree, she is internally panicking.

'Is she going to kick me out? Oh my god, what if she has security there waiting with her to escort me out of the stadium? The internet would just love that. My life would be over. Did she tell Taylor I'm here? No, no she wouldn't do that while she's performing. What if –'

Karlie's rambling train of thought is interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Kloss. Over here." Karlie turns her head to see the redhead standing in front of a door marked 'Authorized Personnel Only', cell phone attached to her ear.

Tree opens the door as Karlie approaches her, waving Karlie through, all while continuing the conversation she is having on the phone.

"Yes, yes I have her. I've got it. Don't say anything yet. Try to keep her backstage for a few more minutes," a pause, "I don't fucking know Jeff, have her give an end-of-American-leg speech to the dancers. Just delay."

Tree hangs up the phone and finally turns towards Karlie.

"Hi honey," she says as she pulls her into a hug, "it's nice to see you again. My job was almost starting to get boring," she says with a laugh.

Karlie finally breathes out, realizing Tree didn't ask her to come find her just to kick her out.

"Hey Tree" Karlie says as she hugs the woman back. "It's nice to see you too. I think I even kind of missed you."

"I heard about the little one's arrival. Congratulations, Karlie. You'll have to show me some pictures," Tree says with a genuine smile as they begin walking down the hallway. "Why didn't you tell us you were coming to the show, sweetie? We would have found you a spot more private. Would've saved me the headache of cleaning up these imminent articles."

Karlie laughs "I'm sorry about that Tree. I just figured Taylor would tell me not to come," she says with a sigh. "Heard how incredible the show is, had to see it," Karlie states simply, leaving out her other hopeful reason to be at SoFi Stadium tonight.

Tree simply looks at her and nods, continuing their walk through winding hallways.

"Where are we going?" Karlie asks.

"Private room. Taylor doesn't know you're here, I don't think. I need to talk to her first before I can let you roam around. You understand, honey."

"I get it."

Tree finally stops and opens a door in the hallway, ushering her in. It's small, there's a couch, a table with all sorts of drinks and snacks, a TV with a few of the now empty stage.

"Help yourself to anything. You know the drill. I'm going to go talk to Taylor. If she wants to say hi, I'll bring you to her dressing room. Be back in 15 honey."

"Okay, thanks Tree." Karlie says, grabbing a water and sitting down on the couch as Tree closes the door behind her.

Time passes slowly. Painfully slowly. Karlie opts to switch the water out for a glass of the chilled Chenin Blanc on the table. Trying to keep her internal panic under control, Karle directs her attention to anything and everything in the room.

'Red Vines on the table. Taylor's favorite. Fuck, don't think about Taylor. She isn't even going to want to see you. She hates you, remember? Come on, Kloss, get it together. Think about something else. Anything else. Until Tree comes back and breaks the news that, hey guess what, Taylor still wants nothing to do with you.'

Opting to count the ceiling tiles in the room, Karlie gets to 67 when she hears the knob on the door begin to turn.

'Time to go home, I guess,' she thinks to herself.

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