Chapter 7

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As Karlie, Mikey, and Misha pull up the driveway of Cara's LA mansion, it becomes abundantly clear that this isn't the casual, intimate wrap party they were expecting. There are people everywhere. The front yard is littered with food trucks, bouncy houses, and a bar at the front of the house, so partygoers can get their first drink before even entering. In true Cara fashion, there are bowls on top of the bar filled with dozens of joints.

"Oh, this is going to be so sick," Mikey says as he grabs a joint and tucks it behind his ear before requesting a Jack and Coke from the bartender, "what do you girls want?"

"Something fruity, babe!" Misha replies as makes her way up the steps to the front door, "Gotta pee. I'll find you in a minute."

"Whiskey, neat, please," Karlie politely requests from the bartender.

They collect their drinks and begin ascending up the steps. The door is wide open, and Karlie instantly hears a sound she could recognize anywhere. She looks up to see Taylor in the doorway, laughing loudly with the group of people who had entered the house just prior.

Karlie's body freezes. Taylor has changed into an impossibly short, black, lacy dress showing off her immaculately toned legs. It's a low-cut, body forming, with spaghetti straps, leaving little to the imagination. In true Taylor fashion, she seems to have already kicked off her shoes. A barefoot Taylor stands up on her tiptoes to hug the man she was speaking to before he turns and walks further into the party. As an avid football fan, Karlie recognizes him instantly.

Mikey seems to have recognized him as well, "weird, what's Travis Kelce doing here? I didn't know they were friends," he says casually as they make their way toward the door.

"No idea."

Mikey steps into the house first, "Mikey Hess? What the hell are you doing here!" Taylor exclaims and pulls him into a hug, "God, it's been so long. How have you been?"

Karlie stands back slightly, giving Mikey and Taylor a moment to catch up, when Taylor turns her attention to her, "Karls! I'm so glad you could make it!" she says as she pulls her into a hug. Karlie's breath catches in her throat. This is the first time she's physically touched Taylor in 4 years.

"I wouldn't miss it, thanks for inviting me, Tay," Karlie says as she pulls back from the hug. Taylor's hand remains on her arm as Karlie asks with a laugh, "Are you just standing here greeting every single person who walks in?"

"You know me, Kar, have to say hi to everyone!" she responds with a goofy smile. Taylor's eyes are exceptionally dilated and slightly bloodshot. Karlie can tell she has, more than likely, dipped into the party favors Cara had left on the bar.

As Karlie laughs in response, a loud, boisterous, British voice interrupts them, "Um, what the FUCK is this? Did I miss a damn chapter?"

The next thing Karlie knows, she is being engulfed in a bear hug. Laughing, she says "Hey Cara! Nice to see you, too."

"You," Cara says as she grabs Karlie's hand, "are coming with me."

Karlie turns back towards Taylor, subconsciously looking for approval from the blonde.

"I'll come find you guys in a few!" a cheerful Taylor responds.

Karlie follows Cara closely through the home, carefully gliding her body past the dozens of drunk partygoers. Looking around, Karlie notices how the home is just so Cara. It looks like Alice in Wonderland on acid. They head up a flight of stairs when Cara stops in front of a wall of built-in shelves, covered in ridiculous hats.

"Pick one," Cara says.

Giggling, Karlie responds, "A hat? Why?"

"No one's allowed upstairs without a hat, Kloss. Pick one!" Cara replies as she grabs her own hat and turns left into another room.

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