Chapter 33

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"Hey, Tay," Blake calls out as she enters the studio. "Jack," she nods in his direction. 

"What's good, Mrs. Deadpool?" Jack responds without looking up from the computer screen.

Taylor quickly removes her headphones and exits the recording booth, hugging Blake in greeting.

"We'll be done soon, I am starving," Taylor says smiling as she pulls back from the hug.

"Ugh, same," Blake groans. "You can really work up an appetite chasing four demon children around all day," she continues with a laugh. "Where's Kar? I figured she'd be here to keep be company while you two create the world's next big hit."

Taylor chuckles, shaking her head. "She's home. Her family is in town, remember? I guess they're having a big Italian feast tonight. Pasta from scratch and her mom's famous sauce!" Taylor answers as she makes her way back to the recording booth.

"Didn't get the invite, Swift?" Jack asks curiously, eyeing her from the top of the computer screen.

"I did," Taylor responds with an eye roll. "I just – had plans already," she explains simply.

Jack squints his eyes at her, "Uh-huh. Whatever you say."

Within the hour, the song is completed, and Blake and Taylor find themselves en route to Paros, one of Taylor's favorite Tribeca eateries known for its authentic Mediterranean dishes.

They settle into their table in a secluded corner, placing a request with the waitress for a round of French martinis.

"So," Blake begins, leaning back in her chair, "why are you here with me instead of spending the night bonding with your girlfriend's family?"

Taylor shrugs and takes a sip of her martini, considering her words carefully. "I don't know. She asked me to come, but I told her I couldn't. It's not that I didn't want to be there. I just – I think Karlie needs a little space to collect her thoughts, I guess. Things have been so intense lately, and I thought it might be good for her to spend time with her family without any extra pressure."

Blake nods thoughtfully, sipping her martini. "That's considerate of you. Sometimes space can be just what someone needs to clear their head."

Taylor smiles, appreciating the understanding. "Exactly. And in all honestly, I was a little scared, too," Taylor admits quietly.

Blake raises an eyebrow, intrigued. "Scared? About what?"

Taylor hesitates for a moment, her gaze drifting to the dimly lit restaurant. "Scared about what her family actually thinks about all of this. What they think about me."

Blake furrows her brows, "You don't think they're happy about you two getting back together?"

Taylor groans, "Kar says they're happy for her. But I just don't know. I can't see them being my biggest fans right now. You know, after everything that has happened between us back then. Everything that's happening now. They – they must think I'm bad news. That I'm bringing Karlie down with me."

Blake shakes her head, a reassuring smile on her face. "Look, Taylor, people are complicated. Emotions and perceptions aren't always black and white. From what I know, Karlie's family is supportive of her, and that includes her choices in relationships. If they're saying they're happy for her, they probably mean it."

Taylor gives her a hesitant look, fidgeting with the stem of her martini glass.

"Tay, Karlie threw herself right back into your dynamic, even when she knew she would get shit for it. You owe her the same respect and trust. I really think you need to make an effort with her family." Blake continues gently. "Besides, it sounds like you're just psyching yourself out. Her family isn't against you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24 ⏰

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