Chapter 17

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Taylor is awoken suddenly, unsure exactly why. Perhaps her subconscious recognizing a void in her surroundings. She opens her eyes, not immediately recognizing where she is. As she sits up and rubs her eyes, her senses slowly adjusting, she realizes that she is still in Karlie's apartment. On the couch. And Karlie is no longer by her side. A subtle feeling of emptiness washes over her, assuming that the model retired to her own bedroom for the night, leaving Taylor alone in the living room.

She hears footsteps approaching, turning her head in their direction. She releases a sigh of relief as she sees Karlie appear at the bottom of the staircase, walking towards her to rejoin her in the room.

"Hey," Karlie whispers, settling back in on the couch next to Taylor, gently coaxing the girl back into her own body, pulling the blanket up over the two of them, "Sorry, I had to get up and feed Eli and didn't want to wake you."

"It's okay," her voice groggy, still laced with sleep, "What time is it?"

Karlie looks at the clock hanging on the wall, "Three. Do you want to stay here? We can move to my room if you're not comfortable?"

Taylor shakes her head, allowing her tense body to relax, her head snuggling into Karlie's chest, "No, comfy," she mumbles simply.

Karlie giggles, "Okay." The two girls lay there, a comfortable silence taking over the room. As Taylor's breathes even out, sleep having once again overcome her, Karlie can't help but to brush a stray strand of hair away from the blonde's face, taking in the serene sight of the girl resting so peacefully in her arms.

With a tender smile, Karlie shifts slightly, ensuring Taylor is nestled in comfortably. She allows her mind to wander, reflecting on the journey that have been through together and daydreaming about what is to come in their future. Despite the uncertainties that still linger, Karlie finds peace in the warmth of the moment, cherishing the quiet intimacy they currently share.

Just as Karlie begins to drift off herself, she recalls the day they met. It was a time of youth and discovery, when life seemed full of endless possibilities. Karlie recalls the instant connection they shared, the effortless conversations laced with excitement and nervousness, their laughter that echoed through the room. In that moment, she felt a spark, an indescribable energy that drew her to Taylor in a way that she had never experienced before.


November 13, 2013

"I still can't believe they actually got fucking Taylor Swift this year," Cara says with a laugh. It's still early in the morning, all of the Victoria's Secret Angels having a 7 am call time to prepare for the evening's show.

"Have you ever met her before?" Karlie asks the Brit before sipping her coffee.

"Nope, heard she's someone I might want to meet, though," Cara shoots back with a playful smirk and wink.

Karlie scrunches her brows in confusion, unsure what the woman is referring to, "What do you mean?"

"Enough, Cara," Lily says, cutting into the conversation, shooting the girl a stern look before continuing, "Taylor's awesome, you guys are going to love her."

"You're friends with her, Lil?" Karlie asks curiously.

"Sure am! She's my neighbor in Nashville. Behati knows her, too, because of Adam, you know?" Lily explains, "But I kind of may have been the one who talked her into agreeing to do this."

"Righteous. Might owe you one later, Lil," Cara says with a smirk as Lilly rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

"What time is she supposed to get here? I can't wait to meet her! I'm so obsessed with 'RED'," Alessandra says from her makeup chair.

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