Chapter 22

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After some deliberation and a rush to get ready, Karlie finds herself in a taxi on the way to Taylor's London home. Her mind is racing with a mix of nerves and anticipation. The city blurs as the car moves through the streets of London.

"Can you stop breathing so loudly?" Kimby says with a roll of her eyes, "Like, seriously, Kar. You need to relax. You're acting like we're going to see the Queen or something."

Karlie takes a deep breath, gently stroking Levi's hair to calm the nerves that are fluttering in her stomach. As the taxi pulls up to Taylor's London home, an unassuming townhouse in an affluent area of the city, Karlie's heartbeat quickens. She pays the fare, and with a deep breath, the three step out onto the quiet street. Taylor's door opens before they can even ring the bell, revealing the blonde standing there, a glowing smile gracing her face.

"Hey, guys!" she says as she steps forward, engulfing Kimby in a hug. "I'm glad you called! It's been far too long," she says before leaning down to tussle Levi's hair, "There's my buddy, did you have fun last night?" Levi stares back up at her in awe, nodding his head enthusiastically. With a laugh, Taylor ruffles his hair a bit more, "Well I'm glad to hear that!"

As Taylor stands, she locks eyes with Karlie, who has been standing back a bit. "Hey, Kar," she says gently, a nervous smile replacing the previous beaming one.

"Hey, Tay," she responds. Unsure what to do with her body, she remains still, though every part of her being wants to embrace Taylor and erase the awkwardness that lingers between them. Taylor, sensing Karlie's unsureness, closes the gap and pulls her in, her arms wrapping gently around the taller woman's back. "I'm glad you came, it's nice to see you."

"You too, Tay," she says with a light squeeze before they pull back from the hug and look into each other's eyes.

After a moment, Taylor is first to break eye contact, clearing her throat and saying, "Well, come on in! Let's have that coffee. And I may just have some hot chocolate for you, little man."

The trio step inside. Karlie immediately recognizes the scent of vanilla and tobacco filling the air, Taylor burning her staple candle. Taylor leads the way to a cozy living room off of the kitchen, the scent of warm coffee and a hint of chocolate mixing with the candle.

As Taylor prepares the drinks, Levi can't contain his excitement, chattering away about his adventures in London. Karlie watches the interaction, a small smile playing on her lips. The atmosphere is warm, yet an undercurrent of tension lingers.

Taylor hands Karlie a cup of coffee, their fingers briefly touching in the exchange. Their eyes meet again, and for a moment, it feels like time has stood still.

Taylor quickly moves to the armchair adjacent to the couch Karlie is seated on. "I'm so glad you guys could make it for the show!" she says before turning her attention to Kimby, "How long has it been since I've seen you? And look at you! Motherhood looks good on you."

Kimby's eyes light up at the mention of her daughter. "Oh, thanks, Tay! And it's been way too long. You can blame this one for that," she says, motioning to Karlie, who offers a sheepish, uncomfortable smile. "Thank you for the baby blanket, by the way. I swear she sleeps with that thing like every night."

Karlie's gaze shoots to Kimby. She didn't know that the blanket that her niece constantly drags around with her is one of Taylor's famously gifted creations. Karlie recalls when Levi was born, waiting anxiously for his own to arrive. It never did.

Taylor's eyes meet Karlie's, as if she can feel the sadness and disappointment that still linger from what would have been a small gesture with a major impact on Karlie, but never came to fruition. Taylor's gaze softens, conveying a silent apology. It feels as though it is an acknowledgment of the time that was lost, the opportunities that were missed, and the major life events that unfolded in the interim.

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