Chapter 20

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"Do any of you girls want lunch?" Tracy calls out from the porch off of the kitchen.

The voice pulls Karlie out of her thoughts. She is spending the weekend at home in St. Louis, she and her sisters visiting her parents for Memorial Day Weekend. As she lounges by the pool, she smiles watching Levi splashing around in the water, Kristine doing her best to teach him how to do a backstroke.

"Yeah, Mom, we'll take some sandwiches," Karlie replies, tearing her gaze away from the pool to look at Tracy.

Tracy disappears back into the house, and Karlie lets out a sigh. The letter from Taylor is safely tucked away in her suitcase upstairs. Since receiving Taylor's response, Karlie has been navigating a whirlwind of emotions. The uncertainty in Taylor's words sticks in her mind, and she wonders what lies ahead of them.

She thinks about Taylor's invitation to her London show. She feels so proud of the blonde for deciding to be her true, authentic self openly. She thinks about her fans, especially the younger, queer ones, who look up to Taylor, not just as a musician, but as a role model, and how incredible it will be for them to see their idol tell them that she, too, is a part of their community. The significance isn't lost on Karlie. If she knows anything about Taylor, it is that she has the ability and power to move mountains, to reshape narratives, to inspire change. It's a power that extends beyond the stage, beyond the melodies that fill stadiums, and into the hearts and souls of those who find strength in her words.

Karlie is certain that she will take Taylor up on her invitation to attend the show. It is a moment that will go down in history, that will be talked about for years to come. It's a moment that will create discussions and debates and that will create acceptance in some, impacting their thoughts and beliefs on what love is or should be. It's rare that, arguably, the most famous person in the world, would take such a risk at the peak of their career. But, as Karlie knows well, Taylor is nothing short of rare.

Karlie takes a deep breath and opts to immerse herself in the present, in the laughter of her family, and the joyous shrieks of her sisters and son as they play in the pool. As the day unfolds, Karlie finds comfort in the familiar warmth of home, surrounded by the people who have known her the longest. The scent of grilled burgers and the sound of laughter fill the air as the sun begins its descent.

Later, as the family gathers around the fire pit in the backyard, Karlie's mind drifts back to the letter. The flame from the pit dances in her eyes, reflecting the flicker of hope that Taylor's response has ignited within her.

"So," Kariann says, interrupting Karlie's thoughts, "Any upcoming trips, Kar?"

Karlie smiles at her sister, "No, not really. My schedule is pretty light this summer. Levi and I are heading to London in a few weeks, Eli is going to stay with his dad, but that's kind of it right now."

"What are you getting up to in London?" Kurt asks as he carefully wraps a blanket around Eli, who is utterly exhausted in his lap.

"We going to see Tayor sing!" Levi exclaims, causing Karlie to shutter at the boy's revelation.

"You're what?" Kristine shouts, the look on her face a mix of annoyance and confusion.

Karlie sighs, "She invited us to a show, so we're going to see it," she responded flatly.

"Can I come?!" Kimby excitedly exclaims. She has always been a big fan of Taylor.

"Honey," Tracy begins, her eyebrows scrunched in concern, "Is that a good idea? She hasn't been a very good friend to you in a long time. Have you been talking again?"

Karlie takes a moment, weighing her words carefully. The warmth from the fire contrasts with the cool breeze of the evening, and she can sense her family's collective curiosity.

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