Chapter 5

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"Great show tonight, Taylor!" Tree exclaims as she enters the star's dressing room. The blonde woman currently working on her third glass of wine since the concert wrapped.

"Thanks, Tree! The energy was fucking nuts out there. Looking forward to a break, though," she says with a laugh, "so what's the plan for tonight? Should I shower here, or do I have time to go home before Cara's party?"

"There's actually something I need to talk to you about first," Tree looks around the room, filled with dancers, band members, friends, "privately."

"Oh, um, yeah, sure. I think the room next door is empty," Taylor responds, "is everything okay?"

"Great," Tree says walking into the hall and to the next door. Taylor follows her through the doorway, and Tree promptly shuts the door, "Yes everything is okay. But," Tree sighs, "I don't exactly know how to tell you this, but Karlie's here."

Taylor stares at her publicist, a blank expression on her face, blinking hard, trying to comprehend if she heard her correctly.

"Karlie's where, Tree?" she says sternly.

"She attended the show. I intercepted her before it ended. She's in the room at the end of the hall. I told her I would let you know. Should I have her leave now? I have no problem asking her to–"

Without a word, Taylor stands up from her seat and exits the room, walking briskly down the hallway.

'There's no way she's here. This is some weird, last-night-of-the-tour kind of joke.'

Taylor reaches the door at the end of the hall and, without a second thought, swings it open.

And there she is. She looks different now. Dark hair, a little older, a look of insecurity on her face that Taylor had rarely ever seen, but for fucking certain, that was Karlie Kloss.

"Karlie," she says, monotoned.

"Hi Tay," Karlie responds with wide eyes. Of course, she knew there was a slim, miniscule chance Taylor would agree to see her, but she figured Tree would have at least given her a heads up.

Taylor stands in the doorway. Karlie remains frozen in her spot on the couch. Neither girl knows how to proceed. This is uncharted territory.

After a long pause, Karlie breaks the silence first, "Do you, um, want to come in? Or we can go in the hallway? Whatever you want," she says quickly.

Taylor clears her throat and steps inside the room, "Oh, yeah, sorry. I'll come in."

Taylor looks everywhere, anywhere but at Karlie. The opened bottle of wine catches her eye as she turns toward the table and pours herself a glass.

Karlie, once again, is the one to fill the silence, "the show was amazing Tay. Really incredible. I didn't think anything could top Rep, but you've outdone yourself. You should be so proud Taylor. I don't know how you do it, I'm tired from just standing for that long, and you were out there putting on a whole ass performance," she ends with a small laugh.

"Thank you," Taylor quietly responds as she takes a seat on the opposite end of the couch.

Silence fills the air once again as both girls sip their wine glasses. This time, Taylor is the one to break it.

"Why are you here, Karlie?"

Though she should have expected it, Karlie is taken aback by the straightforwardness of Taylor's question. "I, um, I wanted to see the show, like I said. I've heard how amazing it is. I had to see for myself. It really was astonishing Tay! The stage is so crazy too. It looks so much cooler in person and –"

"Karlie. Stop. Why are you really here?" Taylor cuts her off. They were never ones for small talk.

Karlie sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose, gathering her thoughts. "I don't know Tay. I probably should have never come here. It's just that I – I don't – we ended things on such bad terms Taylor. I don't know what I did to make you hate me so much. You just fucking disappeared on me. You wouldn't answer my calls, my texts, my letters, nothing. Why Taylor? I know you think I," Karlie raises her hands to form air quotes, " 'betrayed' you to Scooter, or whatever, but I didn't. I fucking didn't, Tay. And I know you still don't believe me."

Karlie's words are beginning to spill out like hot lava, expelling all of the pent-up anger and confusion she has felt for the past 4 years.

"I would never do anything to jeopardize you. How don't you realize that? Why do you think I haven't said anything to defend myself? I didn't sign one of your stupid, all-encompassing NDAs, remember? I can say anything I want. And I haven't. Even though I have been tortured by strangers on the internet, every day, for years. Even my sons have received fucking death threats, Tay. And I still have not and will not say one bad word about you." Karlie chokes in a sob that has been bubbling in her throat, using everything she has in her to keep the tears from falling.

Karlie pauses for a moment, collecting herself before finishing, "I just really thought we would be in each other's lives forever, Taylor. I miss you, I miss my best friend. I want you back in my life, any way that you'll have me. And if you don't want that, then okay. I won't show up or reach out again. But I deserve closure, Tay. That's why I'm here."

Taylor doesn't respond immediately, taking a moment to process everything Karlie had just said.

"I do believe you," Taylor states matter-of-factly.

"What?" Karlie says quietly.

"I do believe you. Well, I didn't at first. But I found out how Scooter knew the masters were for sale. You didn't tell Scooter, or Josh. I know that now," she takes a sip out of her wine glass, "found out not long after Folklore was released, actually," Taylor says simply.

"How – what? What did you find out? Who told you?"

Taylor laughs, "Scooter's wife, actually. Well, ex-wife now, I guess. She called me a few months after hearing Mad Woman and told me everything. Hence the conception of Vigilante Shit. It was all Scott. He told Scooter, Scooter secured the financing himself. Can't really blame Josh for wanting to get in on it, I was fucking his wife after all," she says with a chuckle, followed by a sip of wine, "but I'm sorry Kar. I really am. For not trusting you or believing you. For ghosting you, for not defending you when you were being attacked by my fans. All of it. I'm sorry."

"I – wow," Karlie says, puffing out the breath she had been holding in, "why didn't you call me when you found out?"

Taylor smiles at her sadly, "it seemed like you moved on with your life, Kar. You were pregnant. I didn't want to barge back in and mess things up when it seemed like you were doing so well," she takes a slow sip of her wine, "congratulations, by the way. Cara showed me pictures of the kids. Levi's your little mini-me," a genuine, but sad and small smile on her face, "I know how much you wanted to be a mom. I'm really happy for you, Kar. And Josh."

"Thank you, Tay," Karlie responds softly. The girls remain quiet, both lost in their own thoughts. After a few minutes, Karlie asks the question that is burning a hole through her brain.

"So, where does that leave us?"

Taylor looks at her and shrugs, "I don't know. I miss you too, Kar. I'm willing to try to, I don't know, start over. Rebuild our relationship, but as strictly friends. Only if you're open to it, too."

Karlie smiles at her, "I would love that."

"Great!" Taylor responds cheerily, "What are you doing tonight? Cara's throwing a wrap party at her house. I totally understand if you need to get home to the kiddos, it's late, but if you're free, I'd love for you to come."

"I'll be there."

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